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Thread: [RPG] Sword and Sorcery Play-by-Post

  1. #391
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    After listening to the story, I turn over the offer in my mind for a brief moment. I agree to have her come with us. I return to my comrades to help assist with securing transport.
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  2. #392
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    (Just want to pop in to say "YAY, action tennis!". Keep it up, this is great stuff.)

    EDIT: (Oh, and I've been introducing dragons in alphabetical order: Atticas, Bankraz, Cecette. So you can rest easy about ARSONIUS, he won't be making a physical appearance [he's dead, Jim!])

  3. #393
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    For now we leave ARSONIUS out of the plot. He may make an appearance later with a different name though, that is up to @CJC discretion though.


    I stop by the timber store, and ask for 50 pounds of wood.

    "Umm miss that's quite a heavy load. Are you sure you need that much. I understand it's winter, but being a fire dragon..."

    I put down a bag of gold. His eyes go wide at the site of it.

    "Pleasure doing business with you maam"

    I take the wood smile, and use my sense of smell to teleport onboard the Paladin's ship. I hide out of site.

    "Hehehe, CECETTE; soon you'll meet your demise and that crimson stone will be mine."

  4. #394
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    I am not sure what to make of this Granberia. I did not sense any trace of aasimar in her but there was something odd in her bearing. What she might know about my blades is of little concern--masterwork, yes, but they have no magical enhancements. But I do not know to what "red stone" she is referring. The false stone she took from me was of a green (viridian) color.

    If she is going to be on the ship, she must be the other client the pirate woman mentioned. I turn back to her to see what she might have to say about the exchange, but it appears she did not notice--she is busy conversing with Goldleaf about the enchanted sword he offered her.
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  5. #395
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Last edited by Tamamo; 09-24-2015 at 12:33 PM.

  6. #396
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    (OOC: Are you implying that Granberia is the pirate woman? If that is the case, it was not made clear to me. If that is not the case, then who is offering you a magical sword? Certainly not one of my characters)
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  7. #397
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Nevermind I misread :p

  8. #398
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Zataka, you board the ship with the barmaid, who tells you her name is NAVINE. She's not sure why she's following you; the conversation you shared with the celestial entity ALISIA inside of her seems to have evaded her perception. After Navine is aboard, you go back to the dock and transport your rations onto the ship. While the celestial being said she would take care of matters you feel it never hurts to be safe. You already paid for them, after all.

    You teleport aboard the ship by slicing a wyrmhole into the air. Hopping through it, you find yourself amidships in the bay, immediately between two barrels of gunpowder. Since you're a stowaway you decide to wait here until the boat leaves dock, as that will make the ensuing brawl more exciting. Or perhaps you'll play helpless and try a diplomatic approach. You haven't decided yet.
    Still, you know you need to go west, and the crimson stones of D'ARSONIUS will draw your prey to you.
    (I had a change of heart, D'Arsonius will be next. Beware the crimson dragon of the flame!)

    You feel your deal with the Paladin has improved your grip on this world. Navine has formed a small lump on her left shoulder. While you can occupy various spaces within her body you feel that this lump is distinctly YOURS. It's a piece of you, taking shape on the young witch.
    Unfortunately, your agreement with the succubus LILITH seems to have had an equally strong impact; there is a similar lump on Navine's right shoulder that you cannot access. This is a worrying prospect. Still, if you can get Lilith to emerge while the paladin is near, he can use the banishment technique to de-rez her back to her underhell where she belongs.
    Navine boards the boat with the paladin.

    You know it's generally not a good idea to put all of your eggs in one basket, so you decide to ask the other two boats at dock if they would be willing to ferry passengers. The first is a large merchant vessel.
    "Ferry across the Mael ocean? Sorry, no can do. We're actually tying the ship down for winter."
    You ask why they wouldn't sail during the winter.
    "It's these waters. It might seem like we're far from glacial interference but the icebergs pop up out of nowhere during the winter. Only the desperate try to cross this ocean before spring."
    You try the other boat at dock. It's a fishing boat, and the story is corroborated: they don't sail further than the coastal shelf between the first snow and the thaw.
    Still, the two you are travelling with seem fairly desperate. If icebergs are the biggest concern, perhaps you might be able to scry them and prevent a crash.
    You board the ship.

    You watch Zataka board the vessel with the BARMAID. It seems the paladin has figured the negotiations went well. Since the CAPTAIN doesn't stop them from boarding, you ask and she agrees that the terms are acceptable.
    "I'm only sparing three cabins, though. If you want to drag along other people, they're going to sleep on the floor."
    You board the vessel. As you ascend, you try to remember what happened in the prisons at AUDAMAR. You had intended to slip the dragonkin a glass copy of the veridian stone. You even remember preparing one. But when you think about it, you're certain the stone you handed her was a CRIMSON STONE, just like the ones you saw at Telivar's mansion. How would you have even been in possession of such a stone? PROBABILITY is a strange thing.


    @mrz84 @Tamamo @TheDarkOne
    Under the cold salty air of the winter coast the great vessel raises its sails and anchor and slowly makes its departure from the harbor.

    The crew is a rather unsavory lot; they still appear to be hung over from the previous night's revelries. Many of them are interested in NAVINE, and wonder why she's sailing with them. ALISIA, Navine seems uncomfortable around these sailors; you search her memory and some of them were harassing her the night before you arrived. You wonder how she will cope with this discomfort and whether or not you should intervene.

    The cold air on the forecastle is especially harsh, whipping snow at the deck crew. ZATAKA, while standing watch at the starboard side, you note that the snow isn't actually touching you. It bends around your body, forming a dry pocket. The amulet around your neck feels unusually cold, though, and on investigation you see it has frozen to your chest. You go below deck to see if the warmth of the galley will thaw it.

    Up in the crow's nest, a somber navigator stares through his scope at the waters ahead. He shouts bearings down to the crew to warn of upcoming threats. GOLDLEAF, you sit next to this man staring into a hot cup of tea, watching the leaves swirl around the surface and noting how they mirror the ice in the water below. There is a recurring image of a serpent in this vision, which worries you.

    Below deck, the cabins rock back and forth uneasily to the choppy waters of the winter sea. SANCIREPH, you press a waterglass against the wall of your room to eavesdrop on the captain. She's discussing the purpose of the trip with her first mate, who is complaining about the stragglers (no doubt referring to you). It sounds like some kind of excavation, and there's mention of a map to a buried stash. Suddenly they go quiet, and you hear the captain depart.

    In the hold, rats scurry from barrel to barrel looking for sustenance. GRANBERIA, you catch one and stare into its eyes. That hedge wizard had rats running all about his mansion, and you wonder if these could be little spies for his bidding. No, there is no magic behind the gaze. You incinerate the little pest and skewer it on one of your swords.

    You may be at sea for some time. What are your goals--if any--while aboard the KATRIEN'S GLORY?

  9. #399
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Last edited by Tamamo; 09-25-2015 at 02:29 AM.

  10. #400
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    I head to Zataka's Cabin and knock on his door. "May I come in."

    I enter the door after hearing an response. I sit down on his bed and stare across the room at him.

    "As you can probably tell by now, I am fallen. But not all falls from grace are equal. I made a simple mistake that is all."

    I explain what happen with my past lover and how I was Kicked from my dimension for it. She turns her head to the side, a tear from her eye. She is completely transparent and vulnerable.

    "Sorry, I need to go. I... I can't do this right now. I..."

    She blushes and attempts to hurry out of the room. But trips and falls into your arms. She looks up at you.

    What do you do Zataka?

    I sit in the hold shivering... "so cold, i hate winter. Wrapping myself in a blanket" I look over at the the crimson stones and realize they are glowing.

    "It has been a while Granberry."

    My eyes open wide. "That voice, it can't be!"

    My memories flash back to an old castle in the far east now in ruins. The princess I was sworn to protect and had loved, bleeds out in my arms. Maniacal laughter of a desert dragon chimera with a crimson stone in it's chest who grew a 2nd head as it blasts the castle with sand and burns everything to ruins as it slaughters everyone without reason lusting for more blood. My face goes white as a ghost.

    "Indeed it is, D'Arsonius. No matter what you do child of that stupid snake that called himself a Dragon, this time I will be returning. I'll even bet my soul on it this time. And there isn't you or anyone can do too stop me!"

    "YOU BASTARD!" I swing my sword at the direction of the voice hoping it stops and it ends with maniacal laughter and screams of women and guards being torn apart and burnt. I fall over into the fetal position and begin to shake with my hands over my ears.

    Moments later the noise has attracted a pirate with a cutlass. And he is quite shocked by the state he sees. He sees Granberia trembling on the ground in a pool of blood. She is in shock. Doesn't look like she was cut anywhere though.

    "My god, I need to tell the captain."
    Last edited by Tamamo; 09-25-2015 at 10:12 AM.

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