
While you recover from the draining effects of the darkspace spell you stare at Sancireph, whose eyes are faintly glowing gold. It looks like he's casting some sort of spell, but you can't discern which school it's from (It's definitely not SCRY magic, which is your specialty. Could it be some kind of Phantom spell?). You follow him to the docks, where he begins a conversation with some high-seas PIRATE CAPTAIN.
It seems like he's trying to arrange transport for the three of you. You wonder why he doesn't ask for another teleport, but then consider that perhaps a trans-oceanic wyrmhole would be beyond your prowess. Instead you close your eyes and focus on the box, plying scry magic to see if the vision has changed. It appears to be the same ship, but the thing is in much worse shape than the last time you saw it. Ruined by cannon blast, it seems. Claw marks are more severe; whatever you are tracking has made its home in this place. There are other damaged ships nearby and you see evidence of a coral reef. Is it some kind of pirate graveyard? As you try to catch a closer glimpse, a vision of some ANGELIC FIGURE interrupts your spell. There's a woman behind you. From her clothes you discern she is a BAR MAID. She seems to be speaking to that Paladin... what was his name? Zataka? Yeah, that's the one.
What do you do?

As you make your way to the dock you come to recognize the form of the celestial energy drawing you in. Unfortunately it is not the pearl. Rather, it is a pirate: a human woman with bright red hair and a dark sun-worn complexion. You catch a brief glimpse of her eyes, which flash gold as you approach, before they revert to their normal green. She seemed just as pained by your approach as you were by the presence in the inn. It's odd, though... you haven't encountered any other Aasimar since you started this journey and it is bizarre one would pick a profession as debaucherous as piracy.
"Can I help you? We're busy stocking up for an archaeological expedition." She says. She's lying.
You ask if you can commission her ship.
"Do I look like a chauffeur? I'm already on business for a very important client."
She taps her pockets playfully. It looks like she expects some sort of bribe.
What do you do?


As you walk away, you pause. You ask where he sent the dragon anyway.
"Let's just say, with her destroyed wings it would be a long walk to get back here."
You ask about the pearl in her chest.
"The what now?"
The pearl, the pearl!
"What pearl?"
The pearl in her chest! That flaming red thing that was pulsing in her bosom when she attacked the mansion.
"Huh, that sounds like those orbs in the aviary. Come to think of it, I DID notice one was missing earlier. They're dragon things?"
You scoff. Of course they're dragon things.
"Those were trophies my dad made. Geez, that was a long time ago. I don't know what they're for, but I guess I should get rid of the rest if they attract dragons."
You pause at this statement. Hmm... if the pearl in her chest was attracting her to the others in the mansion, perhaps those two are fragmented pieces of a single pearl as the Veridian stones of Audamar were pieces of Cecette's pearl. If she's mutating into another dragon, you could use the remaining two fragments as bait to draw her out. You redirect to Telivar's mansion to help yourself to the remaining two stones, but pause once more before leaving.
"I know what you want to know. Which way did she go. Well, here's a hint: wrymholes preserve direction, they only ever remove or introduce space between two points."
AHA! He must have sent her to the west! You can see a port city in the distance, he may have sent her across the ocean.
You ask if he'll assist you in the pursuit and capture of the dragon.
"Are you nuts? Why do you think I sent it away? I don't want anything to do with that thing."
You tell him if he will not come willingly he will come as your prisoner.
"Cute." He snickers.
You, however, are not amused. Razing several trees for fuel you prepare an intense burst of flames and engulf him. He vanishes in a dervish of ash, disintegrated by your attack. But something's... off. You don't smell any burnt flesh. Instead, the refreshing scent of PUMPKIN PIE wafts through the air. On the ground where he stood you see a pair of lilies which look like eyes, and a blood red rose which looks like a tongue sticking out at you. Drat, you've heard of this before: damn HEDGE WIZARD MAGISTERS know how to grow copies of themselves. Oh well, it was still fun incinerating him.
You make your way back to Telivar's mansion and enter the front door. Descending the stairs you follow a pair of parrots into an AVIARY, where you see two unclaimed red stones matching the one you placed within CECETTE. These you plunder before departing to the west.
You make good time, despite the distance. You know how to draw energy from the world around you, so you use the wild wood powers of the fields to give you the speed of flame. Within an hour you arrive at the port town of SIEGBERT.
The market is bustling but they give you a wide berth as you walk. They see your draconic features and assume you must be some form of dragoon, corrupted by the touch of your prey. Bah! Dragoons are toddlers with toothpicks compared to you!
There's an inn nearby, the only building with any real architectural integrity in the port. The rest seem particularly sheep-shack, positioned on piers to protect their foundations from floods as the tide comes in and out. The docks are also visible from here: there are three ships in port at the moment.
You'll need a means of crossing the sea.
What do you do?

You feel the familiar warmth of heavenly light, and through Navine's eyes you can see that it is the pulsing aura of a PALADIN. More specifically you sense that he is a traveler just as you. How is it he was able to touch this dimension without distortion? Your attention is drawn to the AMULET around his neck; it is radiating a particularly potent form of energy which is enshrouding him in a pocket of his own dimension's physics. What a potent artifact! What gives it the strength to defy this reality so consistently? Turning your focus more intently on the device you can see that it is throbbing in pain. While it is desperate to protect him, extended exposure is causing IT to warp to this world's laws. It is also twisted in the folds of several other dimensions. The object appears to be maintaining its integrity by keeping a connection open between walking realities: ...this man is a walking tear!
You notice that you've forced Navine to stare at this man impolitely for several minutes. He appears to have noticed as well. He asks if he can help you.
Instinctually Navine asks where he got the amulet, as she has fixated on it by your command. You eagerly await his reply.
If he can maintain a consistent tear, perhaps he can assist you in the acquisition of your old form, or the separation of that despicable Lilith from this poor witch's body. Just being near him fills you with the familiar warmth of celestial light.
What will you do?


You procure three barrels of fresh water and six of salt-packed meats, which should be sufficient rations for three for a trip across the ocean. These you place in a man-drawn cart which you pull to the dock. Normally it would be a two-person job, but, well, you're a paladin and you have tremendous strength. You also set up nine sets of traveler rations which you can distribute among your companions, ensuring the barrels need not be opened unless the trip goes long.
You find Goldleaf and Sancireph at the docks. Goldleaf seems to be in some manner of trance, and Sancireph appears to be making arrangements for travel with a SHIP CAPTAIN (she's giving him the salesman shuffle, actually).
Suddenly, you notice that a woman is staring at you. She appears to be some kind of BARMAID, perhaps from the inn in town. You wonder if perhaps you dropped something.
"Tell me, where did you get that amulet?" she asks.
What do you do?