[Act Medias Res]
Whereabouts of the Stones
I inquire about the stone that my comrade had and stress that even if you keep both of them here, the city is in shambles after the ogres' attack. What is to stop them from repeating it again until they succeed? Keeping the stones separate until we are sure of why Cecette wants it and what she intends to do once she has them both would be the best option. If she attacked the city and managed to get the stone here, she would have to track us down to get the other. I remain adamant about the safety of the stones above all else as this could escalate into something bigger than the city of Audamar, perhaps even the world's very safety could be at stake.
[/Act Medias Res]

After leaving Audamar, I think of what to do. I remember our comrade sleeping back at the inn and grow concerned for his well-being. I suggest we get transportation to check on him and then decide where to go from there.