I understand why people want to protect their quests using passwords--they don't want people to be able to cheat. Really, what's the point of taking the time to make your chest challenging and cryptic if people are just going to activate cheats and cake walk through the whole thing? But there are ways around the password protection so those who are set on cheating will still do so.

I will admit that I do use some cheats when available. Mainly, I use the H key to restore my health when it starts beeping. Apart from that, I don't do much (except once when I was in a room where I needed bait and had yet to find a shop that had any for sale). I think the cheat system was put in place for those who wanted to test out their quests. But removing the cheats once your quest is finished doesn't make a difference if someone can just load it up in ZQ and add cheat codes. And the password feature does not act as the deterrent it should because people can get around it.