Okay there is some misinformation in this thread. The idea that we have to remove passwords to release the source is silly. Encryption can stay in. Yes someone can simply fork the code to bypass it, just as they can fork the code anyway, just like they can write a [really] simple script to overwrite password hashes. But for most people the main branch will still be just as password protected as it is now.

The AGN staff never agreed on any position on this topic. AGN staff and ZC Devs agreed that the community was not okay with releasing the code as is and that we should do whatever we can to protect quest encryption(an idea that has always been a catch 22). I have always supported releasing the code as is. Quest protection has never been secure and it has always been a bare minimum deterrent. If passwords were gone it would hardly change a thing, except maybe more people fixing bugs on their own to keep playing. Passwords can stay just stop pretending we are doing any service by removing the encryption code and delaying development. They will continue to serve bare minimum deterrent.

Just about any idea for reworking quest protection has been discussed and rule as easily bypass-able. The only thing that would be an improvement would be to make quests self contained games completely changing how the software(and community sharing) works.

I support the source being released as is(encryption code and all).