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Thread: Modern Day Monster Girl Flash RPG

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    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Modern Day Monster Girl Flash RPG

    This works quite similarly to play by post. Except that when you post you act as the game master for the post above! I like this concept that shared with me by @CJC . So I'm going to start a new RPG with a completely different a totally setting! Props to CJC for sharing the idea.

    Rules & tips
    1a. You must be a monster girl, example s below. All player characters are LOCKED! Unless you are GM that turn.
    1b. As mentioned above you must be a girl, unless you have a serious issue with that, in which case I will allow you to be a male, but your species selection is more restricted. The female ONLY species are Lamias, Harpies, Arachne, Mermaids, Dryads, Nymphs, Yukionna, Kitsunes etc. Basically if males don't exist mythology wise they're not allowed. :)

    2. You must GM the previous post or it doesn't work, so try not to forget!

    3. This is modern day, so remember crime is still crime folks.

    4. As mentioned above the setting is Modern Day, Japan to be exact.

    5. Keep it clean. I'm well aware some of these monsters are innately the passionate type. that doesn't mean you can be a rapist.

    6. Ad-lib is encouraged!

    7. NPCs are not locked unless a GM mentions otherwise. and only myself and that GM can unlock LOCKED NPCs

    8. I reserve the right to real you guys back in. If things get to out of control

    9. I will Tag the first 25 players. So you don't forget to play.

    10. Species include but are not limited too: Lamias, Harpies, Centaurs, Slime Girls, Mermaids, Arachne, Dragon Newts, Dryads, Dullahans, Devils, Doppelgangers, Zombies, Orges, Cyclops, Yukionna, Kitsunes, Minotaurs, etc...

    Humans have been kept in the dark about other species until now, when Japan accepted the Extra-Species exchange law.

    i'll go first I guess.

    Here's an example of how to play, yes I will be joining you folks as this cute foxy lady.

    Name: Tamamo
    Species: Kitsune
    Subspecies: [if desired]: Nine tailed
    Age: ~1000 give or take a couple 100
    Character Picture:
    True Form Picture

    I am a teacher at Akani Academy and Sponsor for the Extra Species club. Although at my ripe age of 1000. I lost count that's an estimate, I'm still young, we can live for many 1000s of years. I teach Japanese history do to my excellent memory of past events. But this year they want me to teach not history but something I know nothing about...

    What will I teach? What Happens Next? Player 2 Decides!
    Last edited by Tamamo; 05-11-2015 at 04:14 PM.

  2. #2
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Tamamo, you've been told that this semester you will be teaching introductory chemistry. What is this nonsense?! Elements? So, they want you to fling fireballs at your students? You know how to do that, but since when was the school so lenient about the violent arts?
    You go to the headmaster to ask for an explanation, but she simply hands you a chart with a bunch of numbers and letters on it.
    Class starts tomorrow. What will you do?

    Name: Aster
    Species: Minotaur
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19

    (Yeah, I'm breaking a rule without asking, but you stole my RPG format! So, reasons)

    I'm a stock-boy at a department store working in kitchenware. Unfortunately, I'm rather clumsy and I'm constantly breaking plates and pitchers. As such I'm in debt to my employer for a tremendous amount of money, but they can't fire me until I've paid them back (where else is a giant half-bull going to get a job?).
    A customer comes in asking where to find a crock pot. What do I break while I'm showing them their options?

  3. #3
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    Aster, you break one of the crockpots they wanted to buy while showing off it's features. Upset they leave the store without another word. You decide to go home early today after talking to your boss on the way home you bump your nose into the Busom of a Centaur. She stares at you for a moment... Watch where you are going you bull, and rudely continues on her way. you notice something fell out of her saddle bag. It's her wallet, you look back and notice she is long gone. What will you do?

    Continue: Tanamo
    I show up for class the next morning with my Magic Books in my adult form to utilize my magic to the fullest. I introduce myself as Ms. Tanamo and acknowledge the students that I will be their homeroom teacher. Classes went well today. I taught my students about the spirit of earth: gnome, and I summoned gnomes power and with the Breath of Earth inside me I smashed my desk with a slap however, I was called to the Head Master's Office during lunch after smashing 3 desk. What does he want to talk to me about I wonder?

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    Tanamo, you enter the headmaster's office. Standing next to the desk is some withered old crone, while the headmaster is seated in his usual spot with his usual grim expression. Geez, you could replace the guy with a bust and nobody would notice the difference.
    The headmaster speaks, gesturing to the crone.
    "Tanamo, this is Miss Kashiko. She works for the district and she's going to be sitting in on your class for the remainder of the term."
    The old crone smiles. Seriously, this woman is creepy; she looks like the Skeksis from Dark Crystal.
    "It seems your classroom has been burning through school resources. Your repair budget is nearly six times as high as every other homeroom. Miss Kashiko is going to make sure you are treating school property with the proper reverence."
    You ask how you're supposed to teach elemental chemistry without breaking a few desks.
    "That's not my problem. Find a way to be more frugal, or Miss Kashiko will have to intervene."
    She smiles again. Just the thought of this woman staring at you makes you shiver.
    What do you do?

    Continue: Aster
    I reach for the wallet, but then stop. First, I realize that she would likely accuse me of having picked her pocket. Second, I decide she was rude and the loss of her personal property was her own fault. Finally, I notice the wallet is cowhide and in a fit of disgust I kick it into the storm drain.
    I drudge my way to the subway and cram into a packed train car. Halfway home.
    The metro screeches to a halt in the middle of a tunnel. I can see the train on the other track go by...
    Why are we stopped?

  5. #5
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    You realize that something is wrong, very wrong. You've been stopped in the subway tunnel for a hour. Have the lines been cut? All of a sudden one of the doors is opens up for a few moments and close. Your big nostrils take a whiff, and the smell of bird feathers and gun powder reaches your olfactory receptors. Tengus and their invisible! You've heard of these guys before. The Karasu Yakuza a syndicate comprising of nothing but Tengus. You notice that the girl who was sitting next to you is leaning next to you as the train starts up again. She quickly flashes her badge, and explains the gravity of the situation. These guys look like they mean business and shouldn't be taken lightly.

    What do you do?

    Continue: Tamamo
    I decide since I'm going to have her overseeing my class I guess I should study this damn thing Chemistry, she then mentions we should get to know each other better after class. I decide to teach my students about water for the last 3 periods and as I'm walking out to the courtyard she asks me to join her for Dinner. I do so and have several drinks of saki and some fried tofu. I wake up the next morning at my apartment with a phone number written on a piece of paper in lipstick signed Seiko. "I don't even want to know what I did last night. With a coworker too, can't remember anyways" I would usually drive to work, but since I'm hungover, I decide to take the train which arrives a hour late only to immediately take off without picking up any passengers. Today is not my day. i continue walking to the school getting there in the middle of second period. Thankfully I had seiko's number so I call her and ask her to cover me until I get her. who knows may'be having this chick overseeing my classes is going to be a good thing.

    What happens when I arrive at class.

  6. #6
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    You walk into class just as a young girl at the front desk drops a match on it, setting the thing ablaze. She is not one of your students. The fire burns swiftly with a sweet scent and quickly goes out. Strangely, the exercise did not damage the desk.
    "That, students, is an example of a combustion reaction. Note that when the fuel of the reaction is exhausted the process ceases. Open your texts to page 483..."
    Seiko? She looks like a freaking teenager... she did NOT look like that yesterday. What's going on?
    You also notice that one of your students is absent.
    What's your response?

    Continue: Aster
    The lady flashes me her badge and explains that she's working with a secret branch of the police force explicitly dedicated to investigating supernatural phenomenon. She then shows me her top-secret super tech pistol (her words) that is standard issue for agents in this branch. I get the feeling she was expecting me to be impressed, but I just glare at her and say "I'm a talking half-bull man, maybe this shtick works on some people but I suggest you gauge your audience before fishing for praise."
    She frowns, no doubt upset that I am scoffing at what should clearly be a super-awesome revelation. She then explains that tengus have been causing mischief on the trains for weeks. Apparently they've acquired a stash of troll dust and they've been using it to put passengers to sleep and steal their belongings. The fact that I was immune to the effects is why she's interested in me.
    "I'm good in tunnels, nobody can get the drop on me in an enclosed space. There's nothing more to it than that." I tell her.
    She asks if I might be able to track the tengus back to their hideout by following the metro tunnels. I agree on the grounds that she stop introducing herself to persons of interest like she's some secret agent. The two of us leave the train by the emergency hatch and start searching the tunnels.
    What happens next?

  7. #7
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    While searching the tunnels you come across two tengus a small tengu and tall tengu with a cigar LOCKED and manage to overhear their converstation. They seemed to have come across the wallet of the girl you kicked into the storm drain. It seems she is the daughter of a Italian Mobster by name of Don Giovanni Pizzaria and controls the pizza market under everyone's noses. But no logers, then you her them say something that almost makes you want to chuckle and say she deserved no less. "We gonna kidnap the lass and start extorting her Father for dough, he can keep his pizza though. That shit is nasty." After making this statement the tall tengu throws down his cigar stomps and walks off. "You assume he's pretty high up the food chain the way he was dressed, that had to be a designer suit he was wearing." The small tengu continue guarding what looks to be a ladder going up.
    what do you do?

    Continue: Tamamo
    Sorry for being late i'll take over from here. i tell her. But Just as I'm about to continue the lecture on the spirit of fire the bell goes off and Seiko looks at me with sly smile on her first and taps her fingers on her arm. "Damn girl, that surely wasn't your first time around the block where you learn to do half that shit?" The internet mostly I tell her. Keeping our voices down so the students don't overhear us. I ask her whats on the agenda for today. "playing with fire without burning anything or anything. try not to use magic this time. that shit is dangerous" During lunch me and Seiko make our way downtown taking the train only to find that the train has been completely abandoned after we doze off. We check the computer GPS system, and it appears... to have gone off the tracks. We get off the train and head down the tracks and bump my nose into a Tengu in a suit towering above me. Woops "Umm we're lost, do you know a way out." He points the direction we came from, Seiko pulls out a gun and grabs me from behind. "Sorry to do this to you doll face, did you actually think I was Seiko, learn to smell a Dopplerganger when you see one. She knocks me unconscious."

    Where do I wake up and whats going on?

  8. #8
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    (I was waiting to see if somebody else would join in, because I didn't want to cut anybody off. But I don't want to see the game go dormant, so here goes)
    You wake up in a meat locker, suspended from a hook by a pair of handcuffs. Your shoulders are burning and one seems to have dislocated from the strain of hanging by your hands. FAKE SEIKO enters, carrying a blowtorch. "Geez, I know you saw that Miss Kashiko was a succubus, but she works for the school district. You really think she'd drink one of your students just to freshen up her face? How could you spend a night with the woman and learn nothing about her?" She brings the torch dangerously close to your face.
    You ask what fake Seiko wants. She turns around, then turns back wearing your identity.
    "I want what everyone wants. To make a lot of money without doing a lot of work. The Karasu Yakuza can make that happen for me."
    You clarify that you want to know what she wants FROM YOU.
    "Oh, that. That's easy. See, we're looking for artifacts of a particularly potent historical nature. Who better to help us find them than an expert in Japanese history?"
    She turns off the torch and taps your face with it. "Get some rest, you're going to need to conserve your strength."
    She departs, shutting the freezer door behind her. You start to spin on your cuffs, trying to get a bearing of what's around you. Turning 180, you find that REAL SEIKO is hanging next to you, unconscious. She's as withered as ever.
    What do you do?

    Continue: Aster
    The agent draws her TOTALLY AWESOME GUN and lines up a shot on the lingering tengu.
    "Wouldn't you rather, you know, catch this guy and interrogate him?" I ask. She shrugs.
    I lower my horns for a charge, dash in, and ram the guy, knocking him against the wall. The agent moves in and cuffs him with some energy shackles.
    "Alrighty bird brain, what's your angle?" she asks, in an almost embarrassingly lame manner.
    "Yeah, and what's it like having a popular franchise of aliens modeled after you?" I say with a snicker.
    What happens next.

  9. #9
    Here lies mero. Died by his own dumbassitude.
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    A magic seal appears on his forehead and he dies. no special effect, he just slouches over. The agent flips him over and inspects the mark. "This is death mark magic, we capture one of these guys they're going to die instantly it seems. Seems we're going to have to either do this the hard way. The yakaza seems to be showing no tolerance to traitors these days I guess.

    What do you do?

    Continue Tamamo
    Looks like she forgot i strong I was. I summon the breath of earth into my body becoming as heavy as a mountain quickly shatter the shackles the door and tackle FAKE SEIKO door to the ground almost crushing her as she stares at me with big open eyes. "Struggle and I'll crush every bone in your bone in your body, I'm a lot stronger then I look. She faints and I throw her in the meat locker grab seiko lock her in their turn crank down the temperature. "That sure make her cool off." And stick a cigar in my mouth. Gangster. SEIKO wakes up and I explain the situation. "Next time use succubus powers silly." all of sudden we hear footsteps rushing towards us.

    And then?

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