I think I may step out. I have been idling for quite some time. I was debating recently over my own difficulties and also CJC's. I may be too hard-headed and inflexible. I may have made a mistake in using a character of my own with a layered backstory and determined potential story instead of a throwaway that can bend any which way. CJC and I had some chemistry writing together but I think weariness over busy schedules and stepping on each others toes may have have the better of us. I don't think I could/would adapt to another writer. If someone does take over I will probably write myself out. I am fairly certain that flash RPG format would suit me even less. If this particular story and format takes a hiatus I'd probably consider picking it up again.

@CJC , I want you to know I wasn't begrudging you your difficulties with managing my portion of the story. I think I had too much unspoken vision for you to possibly deal with and when you contradicted that it hindered my ability and desire to be creative(as hindered as it was already). I am an undisciplined writer as is. Which is probably why I have yet to complete a story. Hopefully in the next few months I will have more free time, better internet, and as always I hope I get some better sleep.
