You walk into class just as a young girl at the front desk drops a match on it, setting the thing ablaze. She is not one of your students. The fire burns swiftly with a sweet scent and quickly goes out. Strangely, the exercise did not damage the desk.
"That, students, is an example of a combustion reaction. Note that when the fuel of the reaction is exhausted the process ceases. Open your texts to page 483..."
Seiko? She looks like a freaking teenager... she did NOT look like that yesterday. What's going on?
You also notice that one of your students is absent.
What's your response?

Continue: Aster
The lady flashes me her badge and explains that she's working with a secret branch of the police force explicitly dedicated to investigating supernatural phenomenon. She then shows me her top-secret super tech pistol (her words) that is standard issue for agents in this branch. I get the feeling she was expecting me to be impressed, but I just glare at her and say "I'm a talking half-bull man, maybe this shtick works on some people but I suggest you gauge your audience before fishing for praise."
She frowns, no doubt upset that I am scoffing at what should clearly be a super-awesome revelation. She then explains that tengus have been causing mischief on the trains for weeks. Apparently they've acquired a stash of troll dust and they've been using it to put passengers to sleep and steal their belongings. The fact that I was immune to the effects is why she's interested in me.
"I'm good in tunnels, nobody can get the drop on me in an enclosed space. There's nothing more to it than that." I tell her.
She asks if I might be able to track the tengus back to their hideout by following the metro tunnels. I agree on the grounds that she stop introducing herself to persons of interest like she's some secret agent. The two of us leave the train by the emergency hatch and start searching the tunnels.
What happens next?