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Thread: [RPG] Sword and Sorcery Play-by-Post

  1. #251
    Lynel Xyvol's Avatar
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    Exhausted from recent events and the stress of my craft changing, I sleep soundly though the rumbling. In my dreams, dragons made of crackling gold energy chase bunnies across an open field, darkness billowing behind them. They devour any they catch. Then comes a terrible shaking. The ground opens up and we are all swallowed whole. Falling through the darkness, bunnies and dragons fade away. The falling sensation ceases, but there is no bottom. For a while I just float. Then something new emerges from the darkness...
    <- Play Triforce Quest!

    "The greatness of one's sorrow when parting is the evidence of the deepness of one's love. So If one fears sadness, one wouldn't be able to love anything."
    -Belldandy, Oh My Goddess!

    "Who cares if I'm a star up here?" - Minmei, Robotech
    "You bookahs worry too much about external appearances. It's what's inside your skull that counts." - Taimi, Guild Wars 2

  2. #252
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    @TheDarkOne @mrz84
    Zataka gets the jump on the blue ogre, cleaving with a vertical slash of his great burning blade. The ogre only has a moment to react and barely shifts before the blade is upon it. So... rather than splitting it in two like a loaf of bread, the sword simply removes the beasts's left arm. It grabs the freshly cauterized stump and squeals, both startled and agonized by the attack.

    Sancireph takes the opportunity to scissor the beast's other hand off with his blades, sending it into a screaming panic. It turns to Zataka and spits out a blast of cold from its mouth, but the frozen vortex mysteriously evaporates as it approaches the paladin (you know why). Pausing for a moment in awe, it shouts something in a language you don't understand and then begins to sprint away, towards the mountains. The RED OGRE follows.
    The GREEN OGRE remains, no doubt to assure its friends' escape. It raises its great axe into the air and pounds it against the ground, causing another quake. Bolts of green electricity dart down the axe's handle to the ground and bounce out in radial vectors, climbing your legs and briefly paralyzing you with the jolt. The green ogre then raises his axe, as if he is preparing to make a devastating attack.
    What do you do?


    Malichor, the darkness is broken suddenly with a flash of brilliant light. You are standing in a castle hall, at the back of a long line. At the front, you can see a man dressed in regal garb, as well as a blinding beacon of light that seems to have the form of a woman. She is chained by her hands and feet but you cannot make out any other characteristics. The people standing in line appear to be sick and weary, and you notice that this place feels unnaturally cold. You focus your attention at the front of the line. A peasant woman is bowing before the regal man with an offering... from here it looks like a bar of silver. He nods and she sets it next to his throne, along with an impressive pile of treasure. She then reaches into her own chest and pulls out a pearl, glowing dimly RED. The regal man grabs the GLOWING BEACON's hand and presses it against this orb. You are blinded by the resulting flash, but looking again you see it has been filled with flames and is now burning a bright orange. The peasant woman bows and places the orb back into her chest, leaving the front of the line. She walks past you as she departs; her eyes are tired and she looks defeated. The line shifts forward.
    You are very cold. It is almost unbearable. Suddenly you feel a warm breeze blowing from your right. There's a crack in the wall letting sunlight in. You try to pass through it but you are too large to do so.
    What do you do?


    @SUCCESSOR @bigjoe
    Reven and Jerias, you are caught off guard by the Ogre's approach, partly because you are unfamiliar with them and partly because you did not know they could cast spells. Before you can react, a blast of freezing cold envelops you and you find your limbs frozen solid. You fall from the tree branches and crash to the ground, where the ogre approaches to gather you up. Suddenly, Texia swoops down from the left and Atticas dives up from the right. The former bites the ogre with her teeth before being swatted away and the latter trips it with a jolt of electricity before being punted into a nearby tree. The ogre scratches at the bite wound and begins to approach, but before it can reach you it succumbs to Texia's poison and collapses.
    Your limbs are frozen but you think you might be able to crawl, at least a little. Perhaps you can break the ice somehow. Looking around, you note that Atticas and Texia are both unconscious.
    What do you do?

  3. #253
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    In an act of desperation, I enchant my greastsword (this time with an element that is best to counter electricity, most likely an earth element) and lunge it at the ogre in a last ditch effort to prevent it from attacking. A thought crosses my mind. Perhaps my elemental enchanting magic is not limited to my weapons. I try to cast an earth elemental enchantment on myself (ie: my armor/legs to be specific) in an attempt to gain resistance to the green ogre's electrical attacks. Otherwise I try to find a way to quickly dispel the paralysis if I can recall a healing spell to do so (as quickly as I can).
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
    *Bar-Buddies updates whenever-also can email comics upon request*
    Playing: Final Fantasy XIV

  4. #254
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    Trying to regain my ability to move, I strain to roll to the side to avoid the axe's strike, timing it so that I move away just as it should have hit. The ogre should need to take a moment to recover from his missed blow, and that gives me time to regain my feet as the feeling comes back into my legs. My blades still lie on the ground where I fell but thankfully the ogre's axe misses them. Thus disarmed, I must rely on my wits. I circle behind the ogre as he recovers. Ogres are not terribly smart, so as long as I can stay behind him, he won't be able to locate me, but I hope that Zataka has also recovered from the paralysis and can keep him occupied.
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  5. #255
    Lynel Xyvol's Avatar
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    My curiosity wants me to investigate what is going on here, what the beacon and the chests pearls mean, and why the people are so down. However, my emotions get the better of me. The unnatural cold gets to me, I've never liked being cold. I claw at the wall, trying to make the crack larger to let the warmth and the sunlight in. As I do so, I have a suspicion that's what these people want as well, trading in their treasures for heat to warm their bodies. The thought pushes me to try harder at tearing the wall open.
    <- Play Triforce Quest!

    "The greatness of one's sorrow when parting is the evidence of the deepness of one's love. So If one fears sadness, one wouldn't be able to love anything."
    -Belldandy, Oh My Goddess!

    "Who cares if I'm a star up here?" - Minmei, Robotech
    "You bookahs worry too much about external appearances. It's what's inside your skull that counts." - Taimi, Guild Wars 2

  6. #256
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Zataka, as you attempt to enchant your weapon with an Earth element, you find that it will not stick to the blade. Instead, it runs down the edge of your weapon and crashes into the ground, causing a quake with fissures radiating out from your position. This causes the GREEN OGRE to stumble, granting you an opening to stab him. With one powerful thrust you run the beast through. He stares at you, dumbfounded, before slumping to the ground.
    ...Hey, where did Sancireph go? Oh, and those other ogres are getting away, you can see them climbing the mountain pass.
    What do you do?


    Sancireph, you struggle to break free of your paralysis and time your dodge to confuse the ogre. Just as you begin your roll the ground begins to shake. Startled, you quickly scamper to your feet and try to find out where you landed. You're behind the ogre, but further than you intended. You sprint to hide on his back as you planned, but just as you reach your destination Zataka's giant blade pierces through the beast, nearly hitting you in the head. While you contemplate discussing tactics for situations like this, the ogre slumps over and falls on top of you.
    You're pinned under several hundred pounds of fat green ogre.
    What do you do?


    Malichor, you tear at the wall with all of your might, trying desperately to make an opening large enough to let you escape. Some of the peasants in the line notice what you are doing, abandon your position, and join you in breaking the wall. Eventually you manage to make the crack wide enough to accommodate you and you crawl through, emerging in a glorious field of summer warmth. You turn back to see if the others are following you, but instead of a castle wall you see a terrifying tear of darkness torn into the very fabric of the field. A few rabbits hop by, paying the tear no mind. It is as if they cannot see it. They do see you, though, and as soon as they do they flee.
    There's a single tree in the center of the field. It has a beehive in its boughs. You are tempted by the prospect of honey, but you wonder why the peasants didn't come through with you.
    Suddenly, something else emerges from the tear. It is a dragon, roughly the same size as you. As soon as it sees you it shrieks and tries to run back through the tear, but upon seeing the vortex of darkness it recoils and begins to run perpendicular to your both, off in the direction the bunnies fled.
    Two more dragons emerge from the tear. They have similar reactions, but when they turn towards each other they flinch just as suddenly. This pair does not flee, though. Instead, one calls out to the other inquisitively, and the second responds in the affirmative.
    Another rabbit hops by, and the two give chase. You feel inclined to follow them. Odd, isn't this where the dream started?
    You feel the ground begin to shake and you are abruptly knocked to the ground. You awaken on the ground in the room you rented.
    You want to dissect the particulars of the dream, but you suspect that the swallowing darkness might have been planted by these quakes. You poke your head out of the room to investigate.
    The MERCHANT TROUPE, a DWARVEN KNIGHT, and a GNOMISH COUPLE are all standing in the hall. The dwarf pipes up, "What the hell is all this racket?!"
    You believe the sound might be coming from outside.
    What do you do?

  7. #257
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    Daring not to pursue the ogres alone, I check for my comrade around the ogre's vicinity. I also keep an eye out for anything the ogres may have left behind that could either be of use, or tell me what is going on. I also call out to those in the inn for any assistance they are willing to grant as well as explain what has happened.
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
    *Bar-Buddies updates whenever-also can email comics upon request*
    Playing: Final Fantasy XIV

  8. #258
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    Using a momentary strength boost (one of my aasimar traits), I manage to push the ogre's body off me and get to my feet. I walk over to where I dropped my blades to retrieve them, commenting to Zataka as I do so, "Next time, we should probably plan our attacks better. Should we bother to pursue the other ogres? I highly doubt they will return here for quite some time."
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  9. #259
    Lynel Xyvol's Avatar
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    The merchant troupe looks to be the ones we rescued from Talivar's mansion. I do not recognize the others. I go to knock on Zataka and Sancireph's doors, but seeing them open and the rooms empty, I suspect trouble. I tell the merchant troupe and the gnomes that they had better return to their rooms. To the dwarf, I explain that there might be trouble outside, and I might need his assistance to deal with it. I introduce myself by name only, I'm still unsure if I can call myself a mage. Carefully we make our way to the front door of the inn to find out what's going on.
    <- Play Triforce Quest!

    "The greatness of one's sorrow when parting is the evidence of the deepness of one's love. So If one fears sadness, one wouldn't be able to love anything."
    -Belldandy, Oh My Goddess!

    "Who cares if I'm a star up here?" - Minmei, Robotech
    "You bookahs worry too much about external appearances. It's what's inside your skull that counts." - Taimi, Guild Wars 2

  10. #260

    Armageddon Task Manager

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    I put on my robe and wizard hat.

    <SUCCESSOR> Its Shadowblazer's dark essence invading the forums

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