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Thread: [RPG] Sword and Sorcery Play-by-Post

  1. #211
    Lynel Xyvol's Avatar
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    (I had a feeling there wouldn't be a problem, but I'm kinda conditioned to avoid it, ya know )

    Seeing Toma, I chase after him. I need to talk to him about his research and the burning library it's in. "Toma! I need to talk to you about your research," I call as I run after him.
    <- Play Triforce Quest!

    "The greatness of one's sorrow when parting is the evidence of the deepness of one's love. So If one fears sadness, one wouldn't be able to love anything."
    -Belldandy, Oh My Goddess!

    "Who cares if I'm a star up here?" - Minmei, Robotech
    "You bookahs worry too much about external appearances. It's what's inside your skull that counts." - Taimi, Guild Wars 2

  2. #212
    I shall exalt myself over all Armagedddon Games bigjoe's Avatar
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    I try to reach out to the baby dragon with my mind, to see if it will come to me. I am concerned for the fact that it is frustrated, but am not willing to go back down into the sea of gold. I surmise that the wyrm flying above may be some kind of illusion, but I keep on my guard.

  3. #213
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    You boost Sancireph up on one of the hedges. He tells you there are PEOPLE wandering the maze grounds but they don't look like your companions and he doesn't recognize them from your earlier visit to the grounds.

    You raise your greatsword to slash at the hedge maze. Sancireph warns against it but you take the initiative and with two slashes cut an opening the the wall of topiary. Stepping back expecting a retaliation, you are surprised to see that the plants are simply trying to grow back together. You are also startled that your actions didn't create a new door leading to another part of the mansion.
    You step through the opening before it closes. Sancireph calls out to you, but you know there are people in this maze and they need to be rescued. You trample your way through the maze, somewhat startled by how easily you are able to circumvent its natural defenses. Something about this place is bolstering your might. Is it proximity to your home dimension? You can't say for sure.
    You find a man first. He says he's a travelling salesman and he and his employees wandered into the hedge maze when the front door was locked. You ask him about TELIVAR but he says he just knew the mayor lived here and he was looking to make a sale. You tell him to follow you and proceed to collect all of his employees and lead them back to the fountain at the center of the maze.
    Though these people do not seem to know much about the wizard, your actions have taught you that while this dimension plays musical chairs with doors, the WALLS seem to lead to the right places.
    Sancireph mentions that the lattice arches are kind of like doors and you might be able to open a connection to another part of the grounds or back into the mansion if you think about the right things. The air here is starting to make you itch.
    Sancireph opens the lattice arch. It leads into a COAL MINE. As the air is making your skin itch, you go in first and tell the SALESMAN to follow.
    There are miners in this cavern suffering from various stages of PETRIFICATION. Many of them have had more than half of their bodies turned to stone, only wielding the picks because they are locked into their frozen digits.
    As you ponder what could cause such a thing, TOMA and MALICHOR approach.
    What do you do?


    Zataka boosts you up onto one of the hedges. All you can see is a vortex in all directions beyond the maze, as if you are hovering over an abyss. You spot people wandering the maze grounds but they don't look like your companions and you don't recognize them from your earlier visit to the grounds. You share your findings with Zataka

    Zataka raises his greatsword to slash at the hedge maze. You warn against it but he slashes away anyway and creates an opening. It quickly starts to seal up but he leaps through before it closes. Fretting the loss of another companion, you start to look around for a way to assess the danger in this maze. Everything feels so pleasant, though... almost alarmingly so. You feel strangely comfortable standing in the wilderness. Closing your eyes, you focus your attention on your other senses. There's pollen everywhere. But it's laced with something, like back in the Filthy Rabbit Tavern. Magic? Is it residual from the creation of the maze, or something more sinister. You reflect on what Toma said; you've been thrust into a dimensional pocket and because Telivar cast the spell his magical signature is permeating the space. But he's suffering from dragon corruption, so that poison could be seeping into you simply by its presence. You feel one of the pollen clusters land on your skin. It burns and leaves an itching sensation. Opening your eyes you focus your attention on the spot. You can't see anything but a red mark, but taking out a pair of reading glasses you look closer and see a tiny dragon trying to burrow its way into your body. You flick it off.
    Coming to the realization of the danger, you affirm that the more magical the space you occupy, the worse the risk of contamination.
    Zataka returns with a crowd of merchants. Not wishing to alarm him you keep your discovery to yourself... for now.
    You mention that the lattice arches are kind of like doors and you might be able to open a connection to another part of the grounds or back into the mansion if you think about the right things. The air here is starting to make you itch.
    You open the lattice arch, thinking of Malichor. It leads into the COAL MINE from before. Zataka goes through first, followed by the merchants. You are the last to enter.
    There are miners in this cavern suffering from various stages of PETRIFICATION. Many of them have had more than half of their bodies turned to stone, only wielding the picks because they are locked into their frozen digits.
    As you wonder if Telivar is to blame, TOMA and MALICHOR approach.
    What do you do?


    It seems that though this paradimension is scrambled it is attempting to stabilize into a concrete reality; once a door connects to a location the two spaces are joined by the opening, meaning that door will always connect those to spaces. To that end you realize the best way to navigate this place is to find doors and open them so that the dimension stabilized. But you fret when you come to this realization; if the dimension is trying to stabilize and it's full of dragons, what impact are you actions having on other realities (particularly the one you wish to return to)?

    You approach a miner whose face has not petrified and ask him who he is working for.
    "The Colony"
    He doesn't seem to pay much attention to you. You mention you can treat his petrification, though, and this catches his attention.
    "You... you're the man he spoke of."
    You ask who.
    "My grandfather said our savior promised a man would come who could undo the damage."
    You're confused. Still, you wrap his arm in paper and tell him it will heal over time as your magic takes effect.
    "Magic that isn't contaminated! I can't believe it, you really are the man of legend!"
    You ask him what he's talking about.
    "He brought us down here to protect us from the black sky. See, the dragons stole the sun, and the poison of their influence destroyed most of the surface world. He brought us down here to protect us, and used the last of his power to fend off the corruption."
    You ask if it was Telivar
    "Telivar? I've never heard that name before. No, our great savior's name has been lost to the ages. He used the last of his magic to turn the corruption to stone, so that one day someone with the power to fix it might revive us. In doing so he too was turned to stone; he still sleeps in the center of our settlement."
    You ask what they are mining.
    "Coal. It's too cold to survive by burning fire, and the trees don't grow quickly enough."
    He seems perplexed.
    "How do you not know of the black sky? Where are you from?"
    You begin to feel theatrical and you hush him, saying it is part of the mystery.
    You see Toma approach. He sees that the door has been opened, curses, and then runs down the tunnel to the right before you can talk to him. Could thinking about Toma as you opened the door have brought you to this place? It does seem rather coincidental that he's here.
    You chase after him, eager to warn him that his Magister's Thesis is about to go up in smoke. But you're having trouble catching up to him. You finally stop him in a cavernous section of the mine, where a campsite seems to have been erected around a single statue in the center. You suspect this is the colony of which the miner spoke. Toma is standing stunned, staring at the statue. You lean in to get a good look and are startled by what you find. It's a statue of TOMA. Granted, he looks quite a bit older but you can still recognize his key features.
    "What... what is this? Another phantom? This wretched place is playing games on my mind."
    He turns around and sees you. You mention his thesis is in a burning library.
    "That's not important right now. We have to find master Telivar. Every moment we spend in this awful place his corruption is spreading across the mansion, his body, and even into us. We have got to find him and calm him down before it's too late."
    One of the tents opens its folds, and from it springs Zataka, a group of travelling MERCHANTS, and Sancireph.
    What do you do?


    Reven, you try the door and find that it is indeed locked, but that isn't a problem for you. You take out a vial of acidic venom and smear it on the lock, causing it to pop with a satisfying click as the door gently swings open. Leaning in to take in your surroundings, you notice that the door leads to the AVIARY. It's dark, save for a few sources of light you can't pinpoint casting shadows from the statues. You feel the gentle warmth of fire somewhere high above you. Looking up, you see a crest of burning feathers resting on the catwalk one floor up. There's a PHOENIX sleeping in here! You've heard all sorts of rumors about phoenix down and its mysterious properties. You also wonder how your PARTNER would react to an honest-to-goodness phoenix, but she's been pretty quiet as of late.
    The thing hasn't spotted you yet.
    [Act Medias Res]
    Dance with a Phoenix
    Plundering Plumage
    [/Act Medias Res]
    You notice the three red pearls in the clutches of the three statues on this level are pulsating, as if reacting to the heat of the bird. There's a switch at the bottom of each statue, but their shadows are dancing as if they're alive and you are filled with a crushing sense of dread as you get close.
    What do you do?


    Jerias, you reach out to your little green ward with your mind, hoping to draw him back from the madness he's fallen into. You can hear his thoughts as you focus on him.
    "This is all wrong, this is all wrong. It was supposed to be MY gold, MY influence. It's too soon to go back, what is that rotten wizard thinking?"
    He notices you and flies up.
    "What are you doing here, dragoon? Oh, nevermind, you can help me either way."
    [Act Medias Res]
    Interrogating an Adolescent Dragon
    About Atticas's thirst for gold
    [/Act Medias Res]
    You allow the little lizard to climb back into the sling on your back and, finished in the graveyard, you return to the HALL OF MIRRORS. Upon seeing the HAIL OF ARROWS your partner snickers and lets loose a bolt of green lightning from his mouth. It scatters the darts, knocking them to the floor and then disintegrating them until only one remains.
    "Now then... where could that wizard be hiding?"
    You know there are several doors out of this HALL OF MIRRORS, and you know that one leads to the BURNING LIBRARY and one leads back to TELIVAR'S CABIN. There's also a door open leading to a HEDGE MAZE and a door open leading to one of the OUBLIETTES, though you get a sense of vertigo as you approach it and you are wary of entering.
    What do you do?

  4. #214
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    I mention to Malichor that I was looking for him. "We came to this place together, and if we are to leave it, we should do so the same way." To Toma, I say "Your master, Telivar, has done more damage than can ever undo. I don't care what his purposes were, or if he is even still alive now. Personally, I hope he is dead and being tormented in the Abyss as he deserves. You may accompany us if you wish, but you follow us, not the other way around." Then I ask my companions "Now that we know how these doors work, what is our next destination? I would personally like to get away from this place as soon as we can."
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

  5. #215
    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    I suggest that we at least find a way to get the merchant out to safety. If we can find more than one door, using one to open a way outside of the mansion would be idle for that. While I am not fond of Telivar's methods, we can't let what is transpiring here bring the rest of the world down with it. We should also find him and deal with this mess as quickly as possible. I inquire with Toma on any ideas or information he might have, though I warn that my patience is wearing thin and that we all must co-operate if we are to live this day.
    My Quotes and other siggy stuff.
    *Bar-Buddies updates whenever-also can email comics upon request*
    Playing: Final Fantasy XIV

  6. #216
    I shall exalt myself over all Armagedddon Games bigjoe's Avatar
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    [Act Medias Res]
    I first ask the dragon why it desired the gold. I want to be sure that it had a good reason for bringing me into this peril. As I journey into the realms of higher thought, I have developed an ability to question things. I want to be sure the dragon is on the same level, and that we can have a mutual understanding. I then ask the hatchling what its connection to the wizard is. Finally, I ask how I can help it.
    [/Act Medias Res]

  7. #217
    I shall exalt myself over all Armagedddon Games bigjoe's Avatar
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    I take the door leading into the hedge maze. Somehow, I get the feeling that the wizard would shield his location behind a challenge such as a maze.

  8. #218
    Lynel Xyvol's Avatar
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    Sancireph appears to have a grudge against Telivar, so I try to speak quickly. “Telivar isn’t the only one to blame for what is happening. It all of us! All of us who use magic are what’s causing these worlds to bleed into one another.” I try to explain all I’ve learned since coming to the mansion, about stolen physics, about corruption on everyday magic. “Toma, your thesis is the key to understanding this, but now that the library is in flames, we need you!” I tell him that his placebo theory works, that it drives away the corruption. To the rest of the group, I say “Go, take those merchants to safety outside the mansion. But I need to find Telivar in order to solve this.”
    <- Play Triforce Quest!

    "The greatness of one's sorrow when parting is the evidence of the deepness of one's love. So If one fears sadness, one wouldn't be able to love anything."
    -Belldandy, Oh My Goddess!

    "Who cares if I'm a star up here?" - Minmei, Robotech
    "You bookahs worry too much about external appearances. It's what's inside your skull that counts." - Taimi, Guild Wars 2

  9. #219
    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    @TheDarkOne @mrz84 @Xyvol
    Sancireph, Zataka, and Malichor...
    Having reunited as a trio, you three begin to discuss your options.
    Sancireph rants that Telivar is to blame for everything and he needs to quickly meet with a painful death.
    Malichor interrupts, explaining that the events that are transpiring here are not Telivar's fault alone but the consequence of ALL magic users. He goes on to detail how Toma's thesis describes the practice of magic as a series of rituals used to disguise a theft of reality.
    Toma corrects him.
    "Actually, I only explored the fact that magic works without the trappings of tradition."
    He pauses for a moment.
    "Wait, is that what's happening?"
    Malichor corrects himself and says that Telivar told him about the theft of magic, a discovery he only learned upon being tainted during a dragon attack.
    Zataka interrupts, saying that the priority now should not be placing blame but finding a way to safety for both yourselves and the bystanders you have encountered. He suggests opening a door to the exterior of the mansion.
    Toma interrupts again:
    "No, that won't work. Master Telivar is powerful but he isn't that powerful. In the misfire of his spell he's drawn us into this INTERSPACE, but I doubt it extends beyond the mansion grounds. The only way out is to counteract the spell, and the only person here powerful enough to do that would be Telivar himself"
    Malichor points to the statue and asks 'What about him'? Toma shakes his head.
    "All of this is just some figment... an echo from the ghost world. That's not a real wizard. It's just some terror given form by the properties of this place"
    The merchant leader pipes up this time.
    "Sir, I most certainly am NOT a figment, and I resent the implication. I am the great merchant chief Beymond Franks, renowned across the continent! And you and your supposed master are a couple of hapless wizards!"
    [Act Medias Res]
    Argument about the Colony
    (Filled) {Zataka, Malichor}, (Closed) {Sancireph}
    Zataka - Isn't the resemblance uncanny?
    Malichor - Figments don't have mass.
    [/Act Medias Res]
    Toma shouts
    "ENOUGH! We're not getting anywhere by arguing and each minute we spend here is causing more of the dragon corruption to leech into our bodies. Let's find a door and go to the master; then when this is all resolved you can do whatever you like. Leave, preferably."
    He goes to one of the tents and throws the folds open. The opening leads to a swirling ellipsoid mass of book pages hovering above a bed in a small tavern room.
    What do you do?


    You can hear his thoughts as you focus on him.
    "This is all wrong, this is all wrong. It was supposed to be MY gold, MY influence. It's too soon to go back, what is that rotten wizard thinking?"
    He notices you and flies up.
    "What are you doing here, dragoon? Oh, nevermind, you can help me either way."
    You ask why the dragon was after the gold
    "Well, outside of rolling around in it like a fluffy pile of snow? This gold reaches every corner of the world. Telivar has lots of connections and his business acumen is astounding. If I could just leave a trace of my influence on the gold before it goes out, then my reach would likewise cover the entire world!
    ...But the damn wizard had to go and get attacked by a different dragon. The wizard won't be a wizard for much longer and then this gold isn't going to go anywhere. And even if it did, it's got the stink of HIS magic on it, not mine. Dammit."
    You ask what the dragon was hoping to achieve by spreading influence with the gold.
    "You're one of us now... almost. You've felt it. The hunger; the need to feed the fire. We don't have to get by simply chomping smaller lives. There are other ways to warm the heart. And to be loved... well, it's much more pleasant than flossing sheep bones out of your teeth, if you know what I mean. That's what I want."
    You mention that you were protecting him.
    "That's different. I mean, you HAD to do that. Or at least you should have... I, uh, I kind of got the process wrong when I brought you back. But what was I supposed to do?! I hadn't even hatched yet, and you had the gall to die on top of me!"
    You ask what he means.
    "Making a lizardfolk is a very intricate process. It involves converting what you were in this dimension into the equivalent being you would have been in our dimension. But I didn't really know what I was doing, so you just sort of got mashed together."
    He pauses for a moment.
    "For what it's worth... I'm sorry I did this to you."
    He looks at you.
    "Not that you didn't deserve it, dying on top of me like that you big jerk!"
    He seems uncomfortable with the direction the conversation has taken.
    "Anyway, uh, whatever your name is... we should find that wizard and get him to stop casting this spell. I'm not comfortable being so close to the homefront at the moment, I haven't accomplished what I set out to do when I came over here and I don't want to be yanked back before I'm finished."
    You tell him your name is Jerias.
    "Nice to meet you, Jerias. I mean, the part of you that I didn't scramble like a bird's egg omelette. My name's Atticas."
    You allow the little lizard to climb back into the sling on your back and, finished in the graveyard, you return to the HALL OF MIRRORS. Upon seeing the HAIL OF ARROWS your partner snickers and lets loose a bolt of green lightning from his mouth. It scatters the darts, knocking them to the floor and then disintegrating them until only one remains.
    "Now then... where could that wizard be hiding?"
    You make your way to the HEDGE MAZE, finding a statue of an ANGEL and an open section of hedge bizarrely leading into a COAL MINE. Looking beyond you can see the MAGE, the PALADIN, and a half-elf RAVAGER arguing about the lord of the mansion and the predicament they are in.
    What do you do?


    Reven, the Phoenix departs with an inferno that envelops the room. As its flames lick the walls the malevolent shadows are dispelled. You feel much safer than you did before.
    The AVIARY has at least four exits not counting the one you entered: Stairs that SHOULD go down to the WINE CELLAR, the door you originally took into the HALL OF MIRRORS, the door on the second floor which should lead to the LOBBY BALCONY, and a door you are unfamiliar with. Of course, with this dimension of monsters there's no way to know where ANY of these doors lead, but you feel tempted to try one.
    What do you do?

  10. #220
    A Cryptic Wizard TheDarkOne's Avatar
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    I concede that perhaps Telivar is not wholly to blame, but it was he who began all this when he allowed the man from the tavern to take the tainted gold in the first place. However, finding ourselves and these merchants a way out of here is what is most important. As for Telivar, I much prefer to leave him to his fate, but for now I will whatever course of action is most to our benefit, even if it means aiding him. I go to one of the doorways we have not yet opened and focus on the hillside outside the mansion grounds from when we first approached earlier. I motion my companions and the refugees over this way and open the doorway.
    Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

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