Here's one from virtually any Star Wars game - any enemy taking multiple hits with a lightsaber to kill. I mean, we establish right at the beginning of "A New Hope" that a lightsaber can cut through virtually anything - Obi Wan takes a dude's arm off with a single swing. I'll ignore the fact that anyone hit with a lightsaber should fall to the ground in pieces, because PG after all, but it gets really ridiculous when a guy can take several hits and still be standing. I get it, in a few cases, there are things like cortosis armor, which can deflect lightsaber blows (though even then, it's supposed to completely shut off the beam, not simply be more resistant). But you know, take, say, Jedi Academy - a dude a garish costume advertising his ability levels doesn't automatically have lightsaber protection just because he has a lightsaber himself. He can block, sure, but one hit should be the end of it. Of course, I guess that applies to the player, as well, though at least you can have the half-cocked excuse of wearing a shield belt. But seriously though, I'd love to see a game where a single blow just shreds through most enemies.

On a related note, what's the deal with having a lightsaber and needing to look for a key? There needs to be a game where if you come to a locked door, you can just cut a hole on it and pass through like it's no big deal. Really, ultimately what I think I'd like is a Star Wars game with a truly realistic lightsaber - where you can hack off arms and legs like butter, and where if something blocks your way, you can just slice through it. I realize it'd be incredibly unbalanced, but I dunno, I just feel like the games suck at conveying how powerful those weapons really are.