Zataka, the hedge wizard mentions that he has encountered the LADY BURGLAR before, roughly a month earlier when she made a failed attempt to steal from his treasury. As for the CLOAKED MAN, Telivar admits having shared a drink with him and describes him as a "Wanderer, intellectual, and a good drinking buddy". That doesn't really answer much, but perhaps the wizard doesn't know much about him either.
When you ask about the proposition, he clarifies
"Actually, it's two business proposals, a big one and a small one. Considering your friend's reaction, let's start with the small one."
He locks eyes with you.
"You're a paladin, yes? How much do you know about the fabric of magic? The tangible component of it? I'm helping my apprentice do research into such things and scrapings from magical equipment are essential components for such research."
He hands you a bag. Placing a gold coin into an identical bag on the table, it pops out of the bag you are holding.
"What you have there is a magical artifact; a Darkspace bag. I made this. I'm certain an adventurer like you will encounter many items like this in your travels. What I desire is simple: take a scraping off of any magical gear you encounter and send the particles through this bag so that I can examine them. I am willing to pay generously for these research components because I am far too indisposed to collect them myself."
He turns away from a moment, attempting to look dramatic. It's not very effective.
"As for the other proposition, I-"
He halts, startled.
"Wait, you're looking for someone. Who is it that you seek?"
As he asks, the door opens behind you and a RANGER walks in.
What do you do?


Sancireph, as you walking the grounds you pass a HEDGE MAZE. Considering the mansion owner's specialty you suspect it would be unwise to enter such a place alone. Instead, you ignore it and continue to the back of the grounds. There's a gated section of yard overgrown with ivy; you can't see past it. More importantly, though, you see an enormous crater at the back of the mansion as if an entire wing was blasted off of the building. Was that the rumble that knocked you on to the warship? Surely this couldn't be the wizard's doing; why would he demolish his own house?
The crater dips down into a series of limestone caverns roughly a twenty foot drop down from where you are standing. You can also work your way around its edge to one of two doorways back into the mansion.
What do you do?

Jerias, unable to track the baby dragon you swim to the WARSHIP to prevent yourself from drowning in the enchanted gold. You claw your way up the side of the vessel until you are able to reach the deck. There's a DOOR to the Captain's Cabin, as well as a stairway leading down to the belly of the ship. The only other feature of note on deck is a BARREL of salt-packed fish and a PILE OF LAUNDRY.
You have a flash in your head, a memory of that man that glares at you through mirrors. He's on a ship like this. His spear is your spear. He speaks to the crew about his many conquests against the dragon menace. Usually that menacing voice shakes you out of such trances but this time it does not interfere. Was it the baby all along? Was he manipulating you?
A MAGICIAN climbs on deck. When he sees you, he draws a piece of paper from his robes.
What do you do?

Malichor, despite the currents of the sea of coins you are able to reach the Warship with little difficulty. Unfortunately you've lost site of that lizardfolk that was swimming in the coins. Upon reaching the warship you take out two pieces of paper, roll them into spikes, and scribe a rune upon them to make them as sharp and hard as metal. These you use to climb to the ship's deck.
As you climb up to the deck, you see that the LIZARDFOLK has beaten you here. He's standing with a spear in hand, staring at the door to the Captain's Cabin. You instinctively reach for your paper shurikens.
What do you do?

Reven, using the odds and ends that you keep in your cloak, you begin to tailor your appearance as that of a troubled ranger, hoping that your rapport with Telivar will even out with your presence as another adventurer to give you an unbiased entry into the cabin. As you are finishing your disguise, you see the LIZARDFOLK that fell near your boat climb on deck. Reflexively you drop to the ground, letting the subtle magic in your cloak disguise you as a pile of laundry. Luckily you don't have to wait long for an opportunity to escape; as soon as you hide the MAGICIAN from the lobby boards the deck from the opposite side. While he and the lizardfolk stare at each other you slip into the cabin.
The SOLDIER from the lobby is inside. Beyond him you see a chubby bald wizard with a great white beard. He's dressed in stereotypical blue robes; almost hilariously so as they even have stars and moons stitched into them. Is he legitimately trying to be a joke, or is he so powerful he can afford to dress like a lunatic?
As you enter the soldier notices you.
What do you do?