Zataka, you force the door open but there doesn't appear to be any scuffle. In fact, the only person in the room is the hedge wizard TELIVAR, seated at a desk across the room.
"Hmm, the paladin. Hello."
You stare at him, perplexed.
"So are you here for the business proposition, to get questions answered, or just looking for the fellow with the katana? If it's the first two I'm happy to oblige. If it's the last, there's the door."
What do you do?


Sancireph, you expect the hedge wizard to make some move against you, but much to your surprise he lets you leave without interfering in the slightest. As you step through the door, you find yourself on the mansion grounds by the front door, rather then back on the warship deck like you expected.
It's snowing. Odd, looking around the scenery isn't what it was when you entered the mansion. Could it have moved? There's a MOUNTAIN to the north, and you can see a village on the path in that direction. To the south is a pair of roads, one going into a FOREST and the other cutting across a PLAIN. The sky is dark but clear, you can see the stars and you notice a LARGE SHADOW cut across the glow of the moon, heading in the direction of the forest.
What do you do?


Jerias, you jab the wizard's other leg with your spear so that he cannot run off. Then you dive, through the opening and down into the gold, landing with a splash. Peculiar, you can feel the coins but they move as if they have no solidity. The egg on your back twitches violently and cracks. From it emerges an infant dragon--green--who matches eyes with you and smiles. He speaks with the hauntingly familiar and manipulative voice that clawed at your mind earlier.
"Ah, such a veritable ocean of gold. And more than that, so much more. Gold that comes and goes, gold that touches every corner of the world. Yes, this will do quite nicely."
He leaps from the shattered remains of the shell and vanishes into the gold.
What do you do?

Malichor, you seal the cask and make your way down to the sea of gold. You are standing at a dock in a perfectly cubical room roughly fifty yards in each dimension. The room is halfway filled with gold and there is a WARSHIP in the distance. Near you you see two SHOREBOATS resting near you. Remembering what Toma said, you know that the gold is not solid and you will not be able to cross it safely on foot unless you use the boats or somehow dispel the enchantment on the gold.
Looking up, you see that LIZARDMAN plummet from the ceiling. He lands with a splash in the distance.
What do you do?

Reven, you take one of the shoreboats and row your way to the warship. As you travel the sea of gold a lizard figure plummets from the ceiling, crashing into the coins near you. You make haste with your efforts and pull up to the warship, quickly climbing aboard with the use of a handy grappling hook from your cloak. On deck, there is a door to the CAPTAIN'S CABIN as well as a set of stairs going down. Beyond the cabin door you hear Telivar's voice. He seems to be talking to a PALADIN. The soldier from earlier? Perhaps.
What do you do?