Jerias, you smash every mirror that you can find. Suddenly, you notice a RAT is watching you with great intent. When you lock eyes with him, he roars.
"YOU MONSTER!" the little thing shouts as he takes a bipedal pose and begins to gesture with his front paws. A magical symbol etches itself in the air in front of this little vermin, and from it spews forth a deluge of river water, jetting straight for you.
The egg on your back twitches slightly.
What do you do?


Sancireph, you open the door to the captain's cabin. Inside, you find a desk, a stack of papers, and a husky man in a recliner, facing away from you. He's looking into some kind of ellipsoid CRYSTAL BALL. From your vantage you can see a picture-in-picture display of THE CLOAKED MAN FROM THE LOBBY in some kind of tavern, ZATAKA in a WINE CELLAR with that LADY BURGLAR from before, MALICHOR in an ORCHARD with a young wizard, and a SPEAR-TOTING LIZARDMAN smashing mirrors in a dark hall. He is making subtle gestures with his hands and mumbling as he watches, almost as if in a daze.
It would appear that you've located TELIVAR'S STUDY.
What do you do?


Zataka, you bind the BURGLAR WOMAN and place her in one of the cells. The lock is flimsy, but it is the strongest you were able to locate. Confident she will be detained until you finish your business, you then return to the cask she was investigating.
It's against the wall, but there doesn't seem to be anything significant about it. You decide to help yourself to the contents, so you grab a nearby FLAGON and tap the cask. Nothing. It appears to be empty.
You stop to ponder, and that's when you notice the breeze. It's coming from behind the cask.
What do you do?


Malichor, you follow TOMA through the door, coming upon an ORCHARD contained within a COURTYARD. He doesn't notice you. Instead, he runs out of the ORCHARD through a door on the other side. You follow. The two of you come to a door that has been blasted open. Beyond is a crater and a clear view to the PUMPKIN PATCH.
Toma turns back and bumps into you.
"Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry, but I must go to the library and prepare a damage invoice. Master will want to know how much gold repairs will take."
You ask why he doesn't seem concerned that the mansion is under attack.
"Defense is not my responsibility. Besides, I'm sure master Telivar has thought up a suitable response already. He will be quite cross if I don't prepare these numbers quickly, though."
You ask where the Wine Cellar is.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I keep forgetting that people are not familiar with the layout of this place. You can find the wine cellar by taking the stairs down in the AVIARY or the TAVERN. The TAVERN is right over there, actually."
What do you do?


Reven, you tell the rat that an adventure of dragonslaying would not suit you.
"Well, good company is good company regardless, and perhaps there is another task I could pay you for... if not in gold then perhaps in fine spirits. Such is a matter to be discussed in person, however."
Before the conversation can continue, the shockwave of an enormous explosion shakes the room.
"What was that?! What if it's back! Oh ****!"
The rat possessed by Telivar looks around frantically, as if it is looking through a different set of eyes.
"No, not a dragon. One of its lackeys. Dragoon. I have to take care of this."
The rat goes limp. You lean in closer and it awakens, squeaks, and flees to a hole in the wall. You assume the wizard has relinquished possession of its body.
With your conversation partner gone, you decide to make your way to the study to continue the conversation in person (Only a soldier runs TOWARDS an explosion, after all). Taking the stairs down as far as you can go, you find yourself in the WINE CELLAR.
You see the SOLDIER from the LOBBY tying up some woman in front of a wine cask. You hide around the corner and wait for him to depart. When he's gone, you approach the cask. As you suspected, it is the empty cask, so you turn the spigot and the thing opens like a door.
Passing through, you shut the opening behind you. Walking down a long stairway, you come across a gigantic room, roughly fifty yards on each side, with a SEA OF GOLD filling it roughly halfway. There is a WARSHIP sailing in the distance and four SHORE BOATS docked at a pier near where you are standing.
What do you do?