Sancireph, you ask Malichor if he could possibly pick the lock with his magic, but he doesn't seem to hear you. In fact, he is positively enraptured by the door on the right. He wanders to it, hypnotized, turns the knob, and enters. You hear the door LOCK behind him.
You might be able to pick either of the locks if you had the PROPER TOOLS. Otherwise, the BIPEDAL RAT has disappeared through the last remaining unlocked door.
You hear muffled chat through the locked door.
What do you do?

Zataka, you ignite your blade once more. The warmth of the flames is somewhat uncomfortable in the stale air of the lobby. The rat has departed through the door it was approaching. As for the cloaked man, he's behind the locked door. But doors are flammable, and walls next to doorframes are structurally questionable.
What do you do?

Reven, as you read the notes on the desk you pick up on the general mindset of who you presume is the owner of the mansion. They're biology notes, specifically studying the magical capacity of each of the birds. Much to the writer's disdain, it seems the more colorful birds have less magical 'capacity' (as he writes it) compared to the more plainly plumed birds. The writer gripes about this, complaining that vermin have the highest magical capacity and also hypothesizing that the more bizarre or extravagant a creature's outward appearance, the more it strains on the plausible and so the less it can manipulate with magic.
As you talk, there is no response. You begin to feel paranoid. Using your blowgun, you shoot a wad of paper at the closest bird. To your surprise, it reacts as you would expect, distressing and crying out as it flies for safety. But when it perches, it does something unexpected. It gags at the sight of the slightly moist paper and tries to brush it off.
What is it perched on? Strange, you didn't notice that before. There are three STATUES in the room with you, each roughly fourteen feet high. One is of a WOMAN, one of a RAVEN, and one of a LIZARD. Each is clutching a CRIMSON ORB; the woman holds it in her hand with pride, the raven in its beak, and the lizard with it bursting from its chest.
What do you do?

Malichor, drawn to the SONG which grows louder by the minute, you enter the door on the right. It locks behind you.
You are in the LIBRARY. A TUNING FORK sits on the desk before you, vibrating ever so slightly. Is it the source of the melody? Tomes cover the walls, spanning four floors total. There are ladders for the bookshelves, as well as stairs up and down. Such a wealth of knowledge is quite enticing.
What do you do?