Here is what I'm thinking about starting over the next few months. This is a rough outline and as I get closer to finishing up deliverable number 1, we can set target dates on the rest.

1. Put together a Prototype Wordpress Site with some example content from things that I already have.
2. If the prototype site is accepted, we will likely want to investigate the feasibility of linking vB users to the Wordpress site. Not sure how or if this can be done, especially if Wordpress and the forums exist in two separate locations. We can talk about this when we get closer to #1 being finished.
3. Develop a staff structure. Administrators/Editors, Senior Contributors, Contributors...
4. Get the content contributors rounded up and get them started on projects. The administrators or "editors" can be responsible for coming up with assignments to contributors, and contributors are encouraged to bring their own ideas onboard as well. These can be articles, essays, podcasts, video reviews, lets plays, etc. I may be able to get a podcast together, so I'd like first crack at that content.
5. We will need to set up a DNS redirect so that goes to the Wordpress site as the main site. There will be a very clear "FORUMS" link on the main site.
6. Contributors will be held to weekly content. They don't need to submit content that belongs in the same series every week, but they will need to post something. For example: I could submit a video review every two weeks, and on the off weeks, post an article or some other written content.
7. Hit social media hard and often. Post something to Twitter/Facebook/whatever each time content is posted. Engage in conversation with people reached through social media. Be sure to comment on content posted to the site to stimulate conversation.
8. Network with other video game blogs/sites/etc. See about collaborating for certain projects.
-Long Term
9. Once we grow our userbase, look into advertising from video game companies or from complementary products. Complementary products such as PC hardware, Doritos/MTN Dew, or other geeky stuff like movies/TV shows. Hopefully this can lead to cool stuff like free review copies of video games, invitations to major events such as E3, interviews with major game developers.

Content Ideas Include:
-Video Game Reviews
-Video Game Story or Character Analysis
-Lets plays of new and popular video games, retro games, AGN developed games.
-Live Streams
-Video Game news
-Interviews with popular letsplayers or streamers
-Interviews with developers - including the AGN devs. :)

If there is anything I missed or anything you want to add, let me know. How does this look?