Quote Originally Posted by Anthony View Post
Dude, it sucks. I know. I wish I could say something that would help, but more than likely, it'd just come out as a "one upper" type situation. Just know that you aren't alone, and other people go through it too.
You don't have to worry about 1uping me. I didn't make this thread to be all about me. Just sort of letting you guys know what's going on and I kinda needed to vent. I am not particularly interested in earning sympathy or emo points. Anyone who wants to share their thoughts or experience with depression is free to do so without worrying about how I may feel. That was actually my intention, not a self centered thread.

Quote Originally Posted by bigjoe View Post
In that way, I can say we are opposites. When I'm depressed I usually stick to the computer. It's when I'm in a good mood that I'm off doing something else. I,too, have dealt with depression. One thing I envy about you is that you have tact in dealing with it. You don't come across as whiny or insane. I'm sure you will weather it fine in the long run. Just try to take time to do some things you enjoy. That tends to be a way to conquer it. Coping mechanisms, if you will.
I used to be that way, on all accounts. I like to think I am a much more stable person than I used to be. If you saw me dealing with this I doubt you would say I have tact. The beauty of the internet is we can put only our best selves forward. I am trying to do the things I usually love. It doesn't help that all the things I need to do are really burning me out on anything. Which is saying a lot because it isn't much.

Thank you all for your sympathies.