Okay, so I tried using what appears to be the rectangle that you were talking about, zim, and it doesn't work.
CODE: Show
global script Time{ void run(){
bool timeValid = Game->TimeValid; //Make sure the time quest rule is enabled
if(timeValid && (Game->Time-startTime)*25/9 >= 1){ //Event triggers every 60 minutes (edited to 1 for demo purposes)
//int thisDMapScreen = Game->GetCurDMapScreen();
if(!isNight){ //Day to night
//int targetDMap = Game->GetCurDMap()+1; //Night DMaps are always immediately after the Day equivalents
//Link->PitWarp(targetDMap, thisDMapScreen);
Screen->Rectangle(6,0,0,240,0,0,160,240,160,10,true,128 );
} else { //Night to day
//int targetDMap = Game->GetCurDMap()-1;
//Link->PitWarp(targetDMap, thisDMapScreen);
startTime = Game->Time; //Set startTime for the next interval
isNight = !isNight;