Megaman 2 enemy index.
Anko - Angler Fish from Bubbleman's stage
Batton - Bats from woodman's stage. when at rest, they are invulnerable black spheres.
Big Fish - appropriately named enemy from Wily 3 that comes up and tries to eat you.
Blocky - big stack of drums or something. Shoot the one with eyes and it falls apart. Will repair itself one time on Difficult mode.
Claw - Bubbleman crab
Flyboy - Helicopter robots with pullcords and suction cups. Appear in Crashman, Heatman, and Wily 2.
Goblin - Giant head platforms in Airman's stage. produces petit Goblins.
Kaminari Goro - robots on clouds that throw lightning bolts. Name translates roughly to "Lightning Lord"
Kerog - Bubbleman frogs. Produces petit Kerog
Matasaburo - Chubby Airman-like guy seen only in Airman's stage who tries to blow you away with a fan in his stomach.
Monking - Primate that appears in the treetops of Woodman's stage. Best dispatched with Metal Blades.
Metool - Do I have to?

Cook - robotic chickens seen in Woodman's stage
Telly - robotic oreos with eyes seen in Crashman's stage, Heatman's stage, and Wily 4
Pipi - bird that drops an egg filled with smaller birds
Changkey - a fireball with a dark mask and eyes. only appears in Quickman's stage.
Changkey maker - a walking torch that throws changkeys at you in the darkness of Quickman's stage. Illuminates the area in orangish light.
M-445 - robotic metroids seen in Bubbleman's stage
Mole - drills seen in Metalman's stage
Robbit - mechanical rabbit
Pierobot - Jester like enemy that rides around on gears. Seen in Metalman's stage.
Sniper Joe - Come on you don't know what a Sniper Joe is?
Press - falling spike trap in Metalman's stage
Scworm - device which produces squirming pipes. Too low to hit with the standard buster.
Shotman - enemy with a cannon on one side and a crank on the other to adjust the cannon's angle of fire. Appears in Crashman and Flashman's stages. May also be in Heatman's stage.
Armor Joe - Sniper Joes in those big walkers.
Shrink - Shrimp
Springer - annoying asshole enemy invulnerable to buster shots and too low to hit normally anyways. speeds at you when you're on the same surface as it, and goes all BOOOIIIOOOIINNGG when it hits you, popping up and going crazy.
Tanishi - Hermit crabs that lose their shells and move faster in Difficult Mode.
Friender - giant fire-breathing dog in Woodman's stage

DWN #009 - Metalman. Despite the serial number, Metalman is Wily's first original robot. All robots previous to this are filed under DLN. Overly incompetent despite his intimidating appearance, he can easily be dispatched with his own weapon but since you need to kill him before obtaining it, the similar Quick Boomerang works just as well.

DWN #010 - Airman. You can't defeat him. Except you totally can, he's not that hard. Seriously. Leaf Shield will jam his fan and do serious damage. It is best to wait until he jumps to the left side of the screen, then immediately spam Leaf Shield at point blank range.

DWN #011 - Bubble Man. Pop him with Metal Blades so you don't have to jump up to him. What do you mean you don't have metal blades.

DWN #012 - Quick Man. Originally conceived as a rival for Megaman, but nobody remembers that. Time Stopper alone will not kill him. Once it has run its course, use Crash Bombs if you have them.

DWN #013 - Crash Man. Or is it Clash Man?????? Air Shooter will blow his bombs back in his face. He really hates that attack.

DWN #014 - Flash Man. Or is it Frash Man?????? Ow Ow Ow ok ok. Crash Bombs work well on him... but wait, so do Metal Blades, which are much better. So use those. Funny fact, according to Rockman and Forte, he likes cameras, and hates that he is bald.

DWN #015 - Heat Man. He's *almost* as hard as his stage. Almost. It doesn't amount to much if you use Bubble Lead on him.

DWN #016 - Wood Man. On Easy, he can be killed with one fully-charged shot of Atomic Fire. However, metal blades saw through wood just as well. Hilariously, he is also weak to Air shooter. Yes, as in that weapon you got from the robot weak to woodman's weapon.

Mecha Dragon - Not particularly swear-inducing but sometimes his flame breath causes a knockback glitch that keeps on pushing you off of your platform. Use Quick Boomerang, Link.

Picopico machine - The worst part about this boss is not knowing where its parts are going to come flying in from. It is easy to get hit in this stage. However, Metal Blade is an effective weapon against it. Don't attack until the pieces have fully formed a target.

Guts Dozer - Dr. Wily has an odd obsession with Gutsman, huh? Quick Boomerang him in the eyes, he's one of the easier bosses.

Boobeam trap - the popular subject of conversation on this thread. Boobeam trap can be defeated in a single attempt, but it requires precise knowledge of Crash Bomb's ammo capacity. Remember that there are five turrets total.

Wily Machine 2 - One of the easiest incarnations of Wily Machine. Crash Bombs and Atomic Fire work great here, Crash moreso after Wily's face appears.

Alien - Alien will only travel in a figure-8 and occasionally shoot at you. Just keep using Bubble Lead, he's not hard.