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Thread: Da Mega Mans!

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    Username Kaiser SUCCESSOR's Avatar
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    Da Mega Mans!

    All this talk of Mega Man(mostly from Anthony) got me wanting to play some! I know Anthony started a topic but that one is more about playing on emulators vs real hardware.

    I am a Mega Man X lover. Nothing tops the original Mega Man X game in my mind. It's not that I don't like the classic series it's just that I really fell in love with Mega Man through the X series. I did play the classic games before X but I never owned them. I played Mega Man at other people's houses, usu my uncle's. This meant I never had the games to myself. There was always 2 or 3 of my cousins waiting to play next. Let's face it: Mega Man is hard! I usually grabbed for games that I could master in 20 or so minutes before someone started complaining they need a turn. I like hard games. The original Mortal Kombat is hard. If I didn't own that game I may never have appreciated the series. I spent literally hours trying to beat Goro. Spending so much time with it over and over again made gave it a sort of sentimental value. I never got this with Mega Man. So when I rented Mega Man 7 as a kid it felt cheap next to my Mega Man X cartridge sitting there waiting to be played.

    I have finally set to correct this. I downloaded some ROMs for the SNES and was about to play MMX when I thought, I never did beat MM7! After several days of playing I did it(almost... I lost my save while still fighting Wily's second form... let's not talk about that). This got me thinking about playing the whole series in order. After killing MMX for the millionth time in a matter of hours I started Mega Man. This long boring story doesn't have a point I just want to talk about Mega Man.

    Let's talk about Mega Man! (any game not just classic)

  2. #2
    Wizrobe erm2003's Avatar
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    I love the Mega Man series. My obsession started with Mega Man 4. That's the game my friend had at his place and we would both play it and try to beat it. He eventually got Mega Man 2 and 3 and we were hooked. I eventually obtained 1, 5, and 6 so we had the entire series on NES between the two of us. I think the first one I finished was 5 because I found that one easier than some of the others but over time I have eventually beaten all 6 and I can still pick one up and beat it to this day... though the original may take me a little longer because I think it's the hardest of them all and sometimes the controls can be unforgiving. In general, as it is with any hard game, play it enough and you will learn the patters to get past the stages and the bosses.

    I eventually played 7 on the SNES, though I never owned the cartridge - just rented. I really fell in love with the X series, mainly X-X3 which were the ones released on SNES. I owned the original X game but only played the other two through rentals. The original carts were hard to find for purchase after a while.

    I have both the Mega Man Anniversary Collection and the Mega Man X Collection for the Game Cube. Through this I have played 8 (not completed but I have made it to the final boss fight) and I also completed X4-X6, though I didn't go back and replay them as much because they were SO different than the original 3 X games. I prefer the original trilogy over X4-X6 any day.

    I almost forgot to mention this. I do own Mega Man 9 and 10 as well on my Wii. I have played and beaten both of those. I love how they went old school with the difficulty on these two. Some stages are pushovers, but there are one or two really challenging stages in each game and I really appreciate what they did to make these two games worthy of being part of the original series... especially 9 which I think is way harder than 10.

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    Gibdo Aliem's Avatar
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    Mega Man 4 was the first Mega Man game I'd ever played. The only other games I had at the time were Super Mario Bros + Duck Hunt, Super Mario Bros 3, and I think Tetris, so Mega Man 4 was pretty much unlike every other game I'd played. Mega Man and Bass is pretty damn spectacular, too. After Mega Man 8, I'm not sure why the title was released for the SNES, but it is absolutely gorgeous. I don't know that I've ever finished the game with Bass. I should fix that.
    As black-sheep as they may be, though, I absoutely loved the Legends series. I really think that concept deserves to be revisited again, either with the ressurection of Legends 3, or something entirely new. A Mega Man adventure game has so much potential, and it's only barely been explored!

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    Username Kaiser SUCCESSOR's Avatar
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    First impressions of Mega Man 1:


    Quote Originally Posted by erm2003 View Post
    ... though the original may take me a little longer because I think it's the hardest of them all and sometimes the controls can be unforgiving...
    You're god damn right they can!!!

    Those platforms that dump you require some pretty precise platforming and those grinning helicopter things are trolls. They don't coming down at you in a little to the side like a sensible enemy. They come down right on top of you! Still I am hooked.

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    Ore...Sanjou! mrz84's Avatar
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    I've been playing the classic MM (1-6) on the 3DS VC lately. I finished 1 and am getting ready to start on 2.

    I have to say that the only classic MM game I've owned was 5 (got it for my b-day) while the others I rented repeatedly/played via emulation over the years (beating them all with a keyboard since I lacked a pc compatible controller was a challenge in itself) and I have to say that I liked 3-5 the most of the original NES 6. I have played 7 but never completed it. Not sure why. Never played 8 (didn't have a ps1 until the ps2 came out) but did play Rockman & Forte/ Mega Man and Bass. I loved that game. Played it via emulation with a translation patch and just loved it (I can't get enough of Burner Man's stage music for some reason).

    Of the X games, I've played them all except X4 and X8. I've finished X1-3 and X5-7. I liked the first 3 the most and X5-6 a bit too (but mostly for their boss music for Dynamo and High Max's battles)

    I've played all the EXE games, but only finished the first 2 games and Team Colonel (EXE5), minus the post-game content on TC. Also played Battlechip Challenge (emu again) and actually liked the multiple Net Battler stories (I played as Ring's mostly) but kinda wish they expanded on the exclusive navis (Turboman and Ring) in the main games

    I tried to play game that came after EXE (can't remember the title except for the anime, Ryusei so I'll call it that) and couldn't get into the battle system (mostly cause my emulator sucked and didn't display everything) and it felt off compared to EXE's and haven't played it since.
    I've played MM Zero 1-4, having only completed the first 3. I can't get over how the villain in 3-4 reminds me of Wily (Wile...a descendent maybe?as he looks like Wily's head in a jar to me. Also, I like Omega's giant sword. It just looks awesome.

    I've tried to play ZX and its ilk, but haven't ever really made any progress (cause emulation doesn't like me as far as DS games are concerned)

    And to backtrack, I've played both versions of Legends 1 and 100% them both. I haven't played any others in the Legends series, but would like to some day in case L3 ever gets a release *gives Capcom the evil eye*
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    Wizrobe rock_nog's Avatar
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    I didn't really have much experience with Mega Man until I was an adult. Never owned any of the games as a kid, but I did have a friend who had Mega Man 2. As a kid, the thing I remember most was finding it strange that Mega Man couldn't crouch. I was so used to ducking due to games like Mario and Castlevania that it was second nature to me, but Mega Man always threw me off. Even in my adult years, I haven't really played too many of them, though. I've mostly played 1, 2, 3, and X. 2 is by far my absolute favorite of the series, even if I still haven't beaten it (that damn dragon, I swear! Actually, once or twice, I've beaten the dragon, but not made it much farther than that, so I always see the dragon as the obstacle I can't overcome). Come to think of it, I don't even know why the dragon gives me such trouble - maybe it's because I panic when I get to it. Anyway, a big reason I haven't played too many of the other games is because I haven't beaten 2 yet. I keep getting hung up on that - I can't really focus on another game until I beat that one, because I've come so close. X, incidentally, is one of the more interesting takes on the series - adding all those fancy moves and controls and whatnot. It almost kinda feels like cheating to play X, because you can do so much more. Hasn't helped me beat it, but I do like the added options like the wall-climbing and whatnot.
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    Mega Man III was the first one I played seriously. This was way back when, and I remember it being a rental so I had to beat it before it was due. I must of played that 8-10 hours a day. I also borrowed I, II, and IV about that same time. Man I got pretty good at the first one actually--that one was so brutal you had to be good at it in order to beat it thoroughly. Fun times.
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    Murana Wolford DarkFlameWolf's Avatar
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    Mega Man 3 on the NES was my first game I ever played of the series, followed shortly after by 4 and 5. I then moved onwards to X1-X3 which remain my favorite to this day. It was only through emulation that I was able to find and beat 1, 2, 6 and 7. It was through the anniversary collection that I played 8. I played MM&Bass on a real Gameboy Advance. I also downloaded MM9 and 10 and play X4-X6 on the X collection for Gamecube. Lastly, I played MMZ1-4 on a Advance and loved all of them. And somewhere in there I've played Network Transmission and Command Missions, both good games in their own rights.
    As far as my love for MM goes, I am almost done with a Megaman fan game called: Megaman: Revenge of the Fallen. JMan2050 is working with me on this since 2009. We are almost done and we should be expecting a release July or at latest August.
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    Wizrobe erm2003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkFlameWolf View Post
    As far as my love for MM goes, I am almost done with a Megaman fan game called: Megaman: Revenge of the Fallen. JMan2050 is working with me on this since 2009. We are almost done and we should be expecting a release July or at latest August.
    This is awesome! I look forward to the release! That is definitely something I want to try!

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    Wizrobe rock_nog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post
    This was way back when, and I remember it being a rental so I had to beat it before it was due.
    Oh wow, this statement for some reason just sent me on a massive flashback to the days of renting NES games. Two things that immediately came to mind were (a) renting a game multiple times and hoping against hope that your save game from the last time you rented it was still on there, and (b) renting a game where someone else had already made it super far, and so you got to play their saved game as sort of a cheat ("Oh sweet, this dude got the magic sword AND the blue ring for me!")
    The artist formally known as macweirdo42, formally known as weirdguy (it's a long, uninteresting story).

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