Is gone. I have some 2x2 tile FFCs and the transparent pixels are black.
Is gone. I have some 2x2 tile FFCs and the transparent pixels are black.
I tested this in 2.50.1RC2 and I'm not seeing this. Would you mind posting a test quest?
Last edited by XMuppetSB; 04-12-2014 at 07:54 PM.
I'll get a test quest later but in the meantime,
It might have something to do with the script I have on those rocks so here it is:
Code://Moosh's Large Push Block Script V1.0//D0: Set this to 1 if you want the block to only be pushable once //D1: Push directions: // 0=Up // 1=Down // 2=Left // 3=Right // 4=Vertical // 5=Horizontal // 6=4-Way //D2: Set this to 1 if you want the block to trigger a temporary secret // Set this to 2 if you want the block to trigger a permanent secret //D3: If you want the push block to require an item to use, set this to the ID # of the item //Set the screen's under combo for the under combo the block uses //Be sure to check the quest rule that makes FFCs visible while the screen is scrolling ffc script BigPush{ bool CanWalkFlag(int flag, int x, int y, int dir, int step, bool full_tile) { int c=8; int xx = x+15; int yy = y+15; if(full_tile) c=0; if(dir==0) return !(Screen->ComboF[ComboAt(x,y+c-step)]==flag||Screen->ComboF[ComboAt(x+8,y+c-step)]==flag||Screen->ComboF[ComboAt(xx,y+c-step)]==flag); else if(dir==1) return !(Screen->ComboF[ComboAt(x,yy+step)]==flag||Screen->ComboF[ComboAt(x+8,yy+step)]==flag||Screen->ComboF[ComboAt(xx,yy+step)]==flag); else if(dir==2) return !(Screen->ComboF[ComboAt(x-step,y+c)]==flag||Screen->ComboF[ComboAt(x-step,y+c+7)]==flag||Screen->ComboF[ComboAt(x-step,yy)]==flag); else if(dir==3) return !(Screen->ComboF[ComboAt(xx+step,y+c)]==flag||Screen->ComboF[ComboAt(xx+step,y+c+7)]==flag||Screen->ComboF[ComboAt(xx+step,yy)]==flag); return false; } bool CanWalkBig(ffc f, int x, int y, int dir, int step){ if(dir==DIR_UP||dir==DIR_DOWN){ if(dir==DIR_DOWN)y+=16*(f->TileHeight-1); for(int i=0; i<=f->TileWidth-1; i++){ if(!CanWalk(x+i*16, y, dir, step, true))return false; } return true; } else if(dir==DIR_RIGHT||dir==DIR_LEFT){ if(dir==DIR_RIGHT)x+=16*(f->TileWidth-1); for(int i=0; i<=f->TileHeight-1; i++){ if(!CanWalk(x, y+i*16, dir, step, true))return false; } return true; } } bool CanWalkFlagBig(int flag, ffc f, int x, int y, int dir, int step){ if(dir==DIR_UP||dir==DIR_DOWN){ if(dir==DIR_DOWN)y+=16*(f->TileHeight-1); for(int i=0; i<=f->TileWidth-1; i++){ if(!CanWalkFlag(flag, x+i*16, y, dir, step, true))return false; } return true; } else if(dir==DIR_RIGHT||dir==DIR_LEFT){ if(dir==DIR_RIGHT)x+=16*(f->TileWidth-1); for(int i=0; i<=f->TileHeight-1; i++){ if(!CanWalkFlag(flag, x, y+i*16, dir, step, true))return false; } return true; } } void MoveBlock(ffc f, int dir){ Game->PlaySound(SFX_PUSHBLOCK); for(int x=0; x<=f->TileWidth-1; x++){ for(int y=0; y<=f->TileHeight-1; y++){ Screen->ComboD[ComboAt(f->X+8+x*16, f->Y+8+y*16)]=Screen->UnderCombo; Screen->ComboC[ComboAt(f->X+8+x*16, f->Y+8+y*16)]=Screen->UnderCSet; } } for(int i=0; i<=15; i++){ if(dir==DIR_DOWN)f->Y++; else if(dir==DIR_UP)f->Y--; else if(dir==DIR_RIGHT)f->X++; else if(dir==DIR_LEFT)f->X--; WaitNoAction(); } for(int x=0; x<=f->TileWidth-1; x++){ for(int y=0; y<=f->TileHeight-1; y++){ Screen->ComboD[ComboAt(f->X+8+x*16, f->Y+8+y*16)]=f->Data+x+4*y; Screen->ComboC[ComboAt(f->X+8+x*16, f->Y+8+y*16)]=f->CSet; } } } void run(int temp, int dir, int trigger, int itemreq){ int tics=0; bool pushable=true; this->X=GridX(this->X+8); this->Y=GridY(this->Y+8); for(int x=0; x<=this->TileWidth-1; x++){ for(int y=0; y<=this->TileHeight-1; y++){ Screen->ComboD[ComboAt(this->X+8+x*16, this->Y+8+y*16)]=this->Data+x+4*y; Screen->ComboC[ComboAt(this->X+8+x*16, this->Y+8+y*16)]=this->CSet; } } while(true){ if(itemreq==0||Link->Item[itemreq]){ if(dir!=2&&dir!=3&&dir!=5&&Link->X>=this->X-8&&Link->X<=this->X+8+(this->TileWidth-1)*16&&this->Y>0&&this->Y<160-(this->TileHeight-1)*16){ if(dir!=0&&pushable&&CanWalkBig(this, this->X, this->Y, DIR_DOWN, 16)&&CanWalkFlagBig(67, this, this->X, this->Y, DIR_DOWN, 16)&&Link->Y==this->Y-16&&Link->Dir==DIR_DOWN&&Link->InputDown){ tics++; if(tics==5){ MoveBlock(this, DIR_DOWN); if(temp>0)pushable=false; if(trigger>0){ Game->PlaySound(SFX_SECRET); Screen->TriggerSecrets(); if(trigger>1)Screen->State[ST_SECRET]=true; } } } else if(dir!=1&&pushable&&CanWalkBig(this, this->X, this->Y, DIR_UP, 16)&&CanWalkFlagBig(67, this, this->X, this->Y, DIR_UP, 16)&&Link->Y==this->Y+8+(this->TileHeight-1)*16&&Link->Dir==DIR_UP&&Link->InputUp){ tics++; if(tics==5){ MoveBlock(this, DIR_UP); if(temp==1)pushable=false; if(trigger>0){ Game->PlaySound(SFX_SECRET); Screen->TriggerSecrets(); if(trigger>1)Screen->State[ST_SECRET]=true; } } } else if(tics!=0)tics=0; } else if(dir!=0&&dir!=1&&dir!=4&&Link->Y>=this->Y-8&&Link->Y<=this->Y+(this->TileHeight-1)*16&&this->X>0&&this->X<240-(this->TileWidth-1)*16){ if(dir!=2&&pushable&&CanWalkBig(this, this->X, this->Y, DIR_RIGHT, 16)&&CanWalkFlagBig(67, this, this->X, this->Y, DIR_RIGHT, 16)&&Link->X==this->X-16&&Link->Dir==DIR_RIGHT&&Link->InputRight){ tics++; if(tics==5){ MoveBlock(this, DIR_RIGHT); if(temp==1)pushable=false; if(trigger>0){ Game->PlaySound(SFX_SECRET); Screen->TriggerSecrets(); if(trigger>1)Screen->State[ST_SECRET]=true; } } } else if(dir!=3&&pushable&&CanWalkBig(this, this->X, this->Y, DIR_LEFT, 16)&&CanWalkFlagBig(67, this, this->X, this->Y, DIR_LEFT, 16)&&Link->X==this->X+16+(this->TileWidth-1)*16&&Link->Dir==DIR_LEFT&&Link->InputLeft){ tics++; if(tics==5){ MoveBlock(this, DIR_LEFT); if(temp==1)pushable=false; if(trigger>0){ Game->PlaySound(SFX_SECRET); Screen->TriggerSecrets(); if(trigger>1)Screen->State[ST_SECRET]=true; } } } else if(tics!=0)tics=0; } } Waitframe(); } } }
The script starts out by changing the combos under the FFC to the next ones in the list. Do you have those set up correctly?
Can you confirm if this is still happening?
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