finally got around to finishing this quest. level 9 was really good. i was probably playing an older version because the bugs that were reported already in this thread were still there (no zelda flag, the push block goriya room in the top row didn't open shutters).

i've played through a bunch of these quests now, and i feel that the dungeons in this quest are the best of the contest. sure there are some authenticity issues with enemy groups, new items and the puzzles but i enjoyed the quest more than the more authentic entries. i don't think it would be too difficult to fix the enemy groupings while maintaining difficulty. and dropping the mirror shield, mirrorrobes and firerobes is easy. the new tiles (magic blocking blocks, magic eliminating floor tiles, etc) i'm ok with. the push block floor puzzles were neat but were a little out of place, if there were more puzzles in the game they would fit better, and why recycle the same puzzle into the next dungeon? they were also too easy to just brute force, both times i found the solution after solving.

this quest remains one of my favourites of the contest, its a shame it'll loose out based on authenticity.