After some discussion, here's your review:

Difficulty: 0/100

Easier than the First Quest. No secrets used. No statues. No challenge.

NES Authenticity: 20/100

Octorocks On Cracks (which we told you not to use)
Death Knights (which we told you now to use)
2 Entrances on Level 6.

Fun Factor: 0/100

Parody not appreciated
Offensive Material (White Sword and Letter screens)
Barely any use of the enemy editor

Overall: 6.67/100 OK, I'm being polite about this, but this was a really really bad quest. It was easily the worst of the bunch I played and the potential DQ candidates would probably score better if scored directly. Also, I did not appreciate the South Park Zelda parody that was tried, it was awful and not funny at all, and could get AGN into trouble with Nintendo and other sources. Avoid this at all costs please, there are better quests to play.