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Thread: Visitation

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    Admiral Zim's Avatar
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    Who else has had people insisting on saying "Hello." and "Goodbye." in various tongues to them by unidentifiable people in places unbeknownst to them, along with other things like them commenting on what you're doing in the privacy of your own residence?

    It's been happening to me EVERY DAY for the last bunch of years, which I already told the staff about here at AGN.

    I don't even know who the @#$^ those people are. We're not buddies. I believe if they have something to say to me they can call me on the phone for real or actually come over to my house and knock on my door.

    I think it's a degree of cowardice I have never actually fathomed in my whole lifetime that they are portraying in saying hello and goodbye at a distance like that.
    I've heard people saying that they were my friend, that we were engaged in some sort of partnerships, even to the extent that they pretended that I was a swinger, when in fact I have never "wife swapped" or "cheated" on a girlfriend or anything to that effect my entire life.

    They continually kept claiming those sorts of things to be the truth, whereas I'm not afraid to admit that the people that taught me how to act and think about things growing up, including my own parents, told me that people who are like that should get shot to death on sight if they come to my residence acting like I have no rights and taking my freedoms away and making such crazy claims about my life, and that's the reason why they do it from a distance instead, because they wouldn't necessarily get away from it in reality.

    I'm writing this thread just to make sure that my belief is heard, just to also tell off those other guys that kept saying, "and if you don't say anything that's agreeing."

    On a different topic: Writing computer programs and codes isn't impressive, and just because someone can do it doesn't give said person extra amounts of rights.
    i.g. Just because someone manages to write a program that talks to someone in their home, doesn't mean that they are abiding by the law no matter what, ESPECIALLY WHEN THE PERSON THEY ARE TARGETING WITH THE PROGRAM HAS REPEATEDLY INFORMED THE OTHER PARTIES INVOLVED THAT THE PRIOR MENTIONED COMMUNICATION ANNOYS THE PERSON. That means that doing so repeatedly, at least in the State I am from constitutes Stalking charges.

    I mean, and to clarify, I am aware that computers need programming, however, just because a person happens to be a programmer doesn't mean that that person becomes so essential to the rest of the people just because they're computer users that they become infallibly correct all the time.
    The prior statement would be analogous to me poisoning people just because I'm the cook, and they need a cook to have their food, that would be bad, and not something that I'd be willing to do.

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    Last edited by Liliith; 10-04-2023 at 12:36 AM.

  3. #3
    MasterSwordUltima's Avatar
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    Yeah, what is going on here exactly? People are saying hello and goodbye to you from a distance? What does that mean exactly? From across the room or something?

  4. #4

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    @Zim , are you okay?

    <SUCCESSOR> Its Shadowblazer's dark essence invading the forums

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    Quote Originally Posted by ctrl-alt-delete View Post
    @Zim , are you okay?
    I second that, I've haven't been active here in awhile but it seems something is on your mind Zim.

  6. #6
    Admiral Zim's Avatar
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    Not from across the room, from apparently nowhere, and people just like Lillith there: I'm having an issue in my life and the first thing that comes out of someone else's being is an idea and notion of a mental illness on my part instead of taking any heed to the idea of responsibility on someone else's part. That is NOT a healthy relationship in the first place to have people in my life that are willing to place misdiagnosis on me like that.

    For someone to have schizophrenia, they have to have relationships that need maintained in the first place, and the lack of taking care of that type of social business needs to be the sole proprietary concern of the individual being diagnosed, not a team effort. I don't have any of those to upkeep in the first place. I live in the rural countryside, and I am single.
    I keep my home at a steady room temperature of above 70 F and below 95 F, and eat healthily enough to sustain my life, and have energy to think and be physically active. Those are all signs of a person who DOES NOT have schizophrenia. A person with schizophrenia could be bleeding out their feet until their socks are bloodstained and stuck to their feet from scabbing onto the material and they wouldn't even notice because they're SCHIZOPHRENIC, meaning they'd be barely aware, if at all, that there is a problem going on with their feet.

    So in a way I'm glad that Lillith decided to put her input on this topic forthright, because it proves my point. I don't even know this person and I'm sure she doesn't really know me at all. Maybe a few facts here and there that she probably heard from someone else, which isn't reliable because that's just hearsay, yet, instead of anybody else's lives and activities being factored in to why this was happening, the blame is immediately placed on me somehow instead.

    I was given a certificate of Competency, meaning that I actually am not schizophrenic and that I can in fact handle my own mind and it's thoughts on my own, without extra input, advice, consul, or conversing otherwise to "let off steam." etc.

    What I was pointing out is actually this exact same type of conversation.. I mention what I believe is a problem, someone else just declares that I have an even more serious problem than what was real in the first place right before that, then things escalate to the point where I start to believe that I should actually sue someone *cough cough, people like Lillith* because that's a VERY SERIOUS ACCUSATION that could potentially ruin someone's life completely if they just stay silent and don't agree with it.

    This is perfectly conducive to the idea I was just mentioning to myself last night:
    When someone just declares at a whim a statement such as, "You don't care about ______________.."
    You'd be left with two options:
    i) Hold your ground on the idea, and therefor be 'contradictory' or 'argumentative' with the accuser, even though they, being the aggressor at one's persona in the first place would be the attacker,
    proving what they said about you not caring about what they're talking about...
    ii) Go along with they say, be a yes-man, perfectly agreeing, and therefor not care about what they're saying in that case either.

    THAT is why I was attempting to communicate the idea of how pointless it is to talk with someone like me to that degree or effect. It really doesn't mean anything to me. My brain used to compute things like that.. Either just go along with this, or not, either way I'm already disagreeing with this guy/gal, or they are with me, rather... and my conscious mind was smart enough to know that right away so the conversation became completely pointless and I attempted to sever all communications, which would seem to be an easy thing to do, seeming how I lived 99.99% of my life without talking to said individuals who were accusing me of things like this in the first place.

    Then, of course, there's always the Biblical teaching of things on this manner:
    If someone is so corrupted that a person would run the risk of becoming worse than they currently are by associating with said person, the other person is supposed to avoid contact and company with the person they believe is too corrupt to be with.
    THAT being said, it's impossible to reason it out with someone about a conversation entailing communal judgement of some kind without EVERY party in the community in this situation being held just as guilty as the person they are making out to be the pariah... Else they are making the mistake of continuing to keep company with the pariah, even though they don't like him or her.
    The Bible, to my knowledge, did NOT state anything to the effect of "unless you're going to play some kind of hero role and go in there evangelizing people to righteousness, then it's okay to hang out with bad folk." It says not do that, period, end of discussion.

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    MasterSwordUltima's Avatar
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    Hmm. While I assume Lilith was using an umbrella term for her reaction/initial thoughts (which may or may not be the case, as I am not her), it is clearly obvious that nobody else jumped to any conclusions about labeling. I myself am just merely trying to decipher the presumed issue of not knowing people who are saying hello/goodbye. As black and white as that.

    But do go on, I find this thread a bit of fascination.

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    A is A Mercy's Avatar
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    Fascinating is about right. I started reading the initial post thinking it was some story idea being shared. I finished it thinking textbook psychosis or troll. If this was not typed under a bridge, I strongly urge a visit with a mental health professional. I am not trying to label with any sort of psychopathy; merely stating that what I gleaned around the questionable grammar is not normal. My apologies if I misinterpreted any of it but Zim, if you are hearing disembodied voices in the privacy of your own home and even feel the urge to argue with them at times, you need to talk to someone in the flesh who may be able to help determine WTF is going on around you. Hell, talk to a priest if you go for that sort of thing. I may not have use for religion but I am a firm believer in confession and verbalizing thoughts for personal well-being and clergy are usually good listeners.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zim View Post
    I was given a certificate of Competency, meaning that I actually am not schizophrenic and that I can in fact handle my own mind and it's thoughts on my own, without extra input, advice, consul, or conversing otherwise to "let off steam." etc.
    Why? What prompted the certification?
    "The public is wonderfully tolerant. It forgives everything except genius."

    Glenn the Great: I just think I'd be happier as a pretty lesbian girl.

    "Live and Let Live" is an excellent, tree-hugging philosophy, but it doesn't do much when the ones you refuse to kill are dragging you down with them.

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    birb Tim's Avatar
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    Posting here on the forum basically invalidates your whole point.

    Hello and goodbye.

  10. #10
    Admiral Zim's Avatar
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    Other people needing jobs. This forum has a no real contact info involuntarily policy so that is not true either. Funny you would mention religion because the bible clearly states that if and when there are beings yelling out so man can hear them that is defined as a demonic thing.. Also if I do not witness them consume they might as well be demons as far as I know. I already knew that and those ideas only support what I said about the overall bunkness of that situation.

    I volunteered for evaluation because I knew I could prove I was right.

    Oh, and "BURN" @ "any of it but Zim,." ouch.

    It's really just free man being hassled for no reason. The ol' if/then Satanism clause being enacted by people that never learned their manners, or that I don't believe their lies.
    Last edited by Zim; 01-15-2014 at 02:30 AM.

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