OK, I finished.

Your score Nethis:

Difficulty: 30/100
I one-gamed it. While it might be harder than the 2nd Quest, it's still easy. Ridiculously easy. People will munch on it for breakfast. Your ideas of smaller dungeons didn't work out well.

NES Authenticity: 99/100
Almost perfect here. High marks.

Fun Factor: 50/100
I was really disappointed with the creativity of this quest. I didn't see any type of new enemy pattern or anything new in general. Rope Like-Likes were done by someone else in the contest, your Stalfos weren't anything special, and Moldorms, they're candle bait. The only thing this quest really had going for it was the puzzle in 9, and even that got dry when I got lost. This was an exercise in using the enemy editor and making new, inventive stuff that could work on the NES. You failed this, miserably. There was nothing to raise my eyebrow at, at all.

Overall: 59.67/100. I really can't consider this passable as a 5th Quest, I'm sorry. You took no chances in your development of this, and I have played harder direct Zelda 1 clones that place the enemies better and in more cruel positions. Worse, this quiest is possibly speed-runnable as well, which this quest should not be under any circumstance or without a tremendous amount of difficulty. While it's not the easiest quest on the lot of these, it ranks with them.