Quote Originally Posted by Dart Zaidyer View Post
It won't be possible for I or anyone on my team to get our submission together before the deadline, we just lost too much time to other things. It's been a hectic season.

Therefore, I'll have to withdraw from submitting anything.

We may yet try to participate in the testing cycle for the winning entry, though.
That's too bad. I was looking forward to seeing a team quest from... team evil? (Team's need a team name) Maybe you can pull off finishing it in one day?
Everyone else: You've got until early Wednesday to finish. Better move it! There's no telling when on Wednesday so I'd suggest sooner than later.

I also plan on doing a final play-through of my entry tomorrow night if I have time, since I've been busy again with crap again.. bleh, otherwise oh well, I'll just make a hard (ergo better) version later. :)