Quote Originally Posted by SUCCESSOR View Post
Are we getting weekly vocab lessons now?
Would that offend you?

Quote Originally Posted by ShadowTiger View Post
For some bizarre reason, I found this to be particularly relevant to this line of thought.
'Not bizarre, to my mind. This is the time of year when umbrage from other people's religious practices really ramps up making that link perfectly apropos. It goes along perfectly with Stephen Fry's succinct take (possibly offensive *hehe* verbiage) on the topic.

Many Gen' X'ers spent a good deal of energy trying to offend anyone and everyone. I never got it but then trolling for trolling's sake is still incomprehensible to me. Apparently my generation succeeded because once the Y2K catastrophe failed to materialize, the nation's new favorite past-time seemed to become taking umbrage. Yay, us?