It's just like a woman to start off a conversation like she's breaking up with you... I kinda skimmed, @Liliith (btw would you like a name change? The extra i is slowly causing a terminal aneurism behind my left eye) so I was confused by a lot of the stuff about Glenn. Also much of my personal experiences of AGN history were burnt up in a cloud of marijuana smoke and drown in a sea of alcohol so I won't be much help there. I'll try I guess.

Most of the people you mentioned haven't been seen in ages. Was there a @Daarkseid sighting? I personally have been hoping for him to come back.

Ask Someone Who Gets Laid which was Ask a Dominatrix after the virgins running it were fired. Wasn't that you?

General Bitching was retired (again). We have The Veldt now and it serves the same purpose and more.

My Internet Atheism brings all the boys to the yard.