Quote Originally Posted by Majora View Post
AGN is dead. Literally, only like five people use it. It took a death to bring back some of the old ghosts that used to haunt this place. It is done. This site is in the dead middle of winter (you know, that whole analogy "the autumn of my years"). R.I.P. AGN.

There's also no fun allowed. No one's allowed to be an asshole any more.
And you are one of the proud five! But seriously, we don't want total assholes because if this site is going to continue to regain more frequent posters then we don't want to constantly see people trolled in every thread they post in. That said, this thread was created to reminisce about the positive memories of AGN so let's keep it there ok?

I joined back in 2004 and didn't really become very active for a while after that so I also missed some of the big events like the AGN convention (was it just the one or were there more?). I also don't know anyone personally on here. I know there are quite a few members here who grew up together or met each other IRL at some point. I used to read a lot of old posts to figure out personalities here, especially in General Bitching and Ask Someone Who Gets Laid (I think you were looking for that one). Some of the old threads were just hilarious!

I am glad to be back as an active member now though. It's tough without seeing all the regulars from my early days, and there were a lot of good ones, but people's lives change. I am on here at least every other day typically so I can keep up with what's going on and I totally get why people don't come back. It's not that they don't want to, they just move on to different parts of their lives. It's still nice though that many people come back and still call AGN their home.