MUCH BETTER, it's not a killfest either, though the creepy crawlies are still there.

Still the 2 I reported before:
Room 13 in 7 (4 Red Bubbles, 1 block), door does not open Block->Shutters (no flag on the block).
Your Blue Aquamentus doesn't seem to appear, seems glitched, and doesn't appear normally (boss room). You need to check that.

New bug:
Vires don't split properly. They split into nothing. Check the death attribute value.

Also, slight suggestion: Any way you can add bats over Keese in the later levels, if you're up to it? Just be sure to adjust the damage for them.

I still love 'ya Chris, don't think I'm mad at you or anything. I just had to be honest with 'ya, but it's a little depressing when I romp through a dungeon with 200+ Rupees and don't take a hit the entire way through and it's late-game. I apologize again if I hurt you before, it was not my intention.
