Quote Originally Posted by lineas View Post
The argument about how we should "learn scripting" is a BS one, anyways, because maybe some of us LIKE using the built-in room types. I personally can't stand the shop script, and I LIKE being able to use the built in rooms. But, that means that i don't get to have multiple races in my games, because I can't even edit the damned COLORS of the guys. I mean, if guys are just enemies, why can't the engine assign any enemy to the "guy" spot?

EDIT: And for the record, no, 10 slots isn't enough when you CAN'T EDIT THEM. If I could do things like tell it to make Abei 2 use a different tile and CSet, I would. I personally really don't understand why two of the guys are EXACTLY THE SAME. One of those slots is Zelda, so you can't do anything there, you need the Empty, Fire and Fairy Guys, so that leaves 5 slots (Abei, Ama, Moblin, Merchant and Goriya) Tell me again how we have more than enough guys?
I wasn't arguing. I was merely stating that one message script and one item script would solve this for you.. It's just as much effort on your part to use 1 or 2 ffc scripts and enjoy all the freedoms they would bring to your game, and they're already done.

I already knew (at one point) that guys were NPC, in fact, summon NPC scripts can spawn "guys."
The only difference here is that.... wait a minute..
Why not just make a blank guy (no graphic) and use an invincible NPC? At that point you'd just have to fix it's coordinates (script).