Well we DO have a collection of talented spriters on this board, so if you like we could collaborate and build a new tileset from scratch (graphics and all). I would insist on something cel-shade-esque, though, to save on colors and ensure the widest range of compatibility between different art styles. Classic+, essentially.

Had a different idea about the overworlds, though. What about SEVEN overworlds? Okay, don't shoot me down yet, here me out.

We hold seven contests, one for each overworld. The first six overworlds are to be built using a specific theme from the produced tileset (which is of course step one in this process), and would only consist of HALF the space of a regular overworld map.

First Overworld: Forest

Second Overworld: Mountain

Third Overworld: Arctic

Fourth Overworld: Swamp

Fifth Overworld: Desert

Sixth Overworld: Nocturnal/Deep Forest

Finally, the last contest held would be for the 'center' overworld, which connects the other six.

Seventh Overworld: Ruins

Each overworld must abide by the following:
  • It must fit the theme of the contest in question
  • It must have EXACTLY two Heart Containers worth of pieces hidden across the map
  • It must have at least ten apparent entrances (structures, caves, etc). The contents of these entrances will be determined with a later contest.
  • Tool obstacles, like a hammer peg, must be located in places where a quest maker may easily remove them. That is, you cannot build layered or multi-combo structures to block paths.

Of course, all of this is moot before we settle on a graphic style. To do list goes like this:
  • Pick a Tileset
  • Host Contests for overworld/overworlds
  • Host Contests for dungeons
  • Host Contests for overworld interiors (based on tools found in dungeons)