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    No Level Challenge
    No Quickening
    No Grinding
    No Glitch/Cheating
    No Item Farming
    No Ultimate Equipment
    Class Restricted Challenge

    ..Say that ten times fast!

    Yes this is in fact every possible challenge at the same time, and yes I am that crazy. I am going to attempt give the FF Game designers, Testers some serious props.

    For anybody that hasn't played played FFXII, here's the short version:

    It's one of those $50 million titles that took a team of 200 people 5 years to make. Yes, it really happened like that. It's also IMO the best in the series (more on this later), and is one of those games that is only helped by the fact that it is surrounded by crap - FF 8, 9, X, X-2, XIII, XIII-2 to name a few (don't even want to mention the remakes here). It's entirely possible Square will never be able to put out anything better, sad to say, but here's hoping I am wrong.

    Anyway, back to the challenge:
    -No Level Ups for any person, ever. If this happens (accidents happen) we must reset.
    -No Quickenings can ever be used. Period. (These are way overpowered, so this makes the game much harder by itself)
    No Grinding at all. (If it's not on the way from point A to B, or a sidequest/hunt, it is forbidden)
    No Glitch/Cheating. (This means that no bugs or glitches, aka; obvious non-intended behaviors, can be exploited.)
    No Item Farming. (Self explanatory. Items make the game too easy. The only exception to this rule would be aquiring the first firefly accessory.)
    No Ultimate Equipment. (It is known that you can get access to some uber weapons somewhat early-on, so this is forbidden for the main game)
    Class Restricted Challenge! (Characters can only learn abilities, use equipment, etc, somewhat related to their class.)

    It is unknown what exactly the classes are, but here's how I see them.
    Vaan - Thief, Ninja.
    Balthier - Gunner (whatever that is)
    Fran - Ranger
    Basch - Knight
    Ashe - Battle Mage
    Penelo - Mage

    Basic breakdown:
    Only the first three characters can equip light armor. Balthier is the only character that can equip a gun. Basch can only equip heavy armor, Penelo - Rods. So on and so forth. Vaan, Balthier, and Basch are more teck oriented, while Fran, Ashe, and Penelo are more spell oriented. Since LP is going to be hard to come by the other details of this are unimportant as there's no way in hell it's possible to fill even half or a quarter of the board, so characters will be uniquely specialized.

    The Goal:
    Beat the game /and/ finish all extra post-game content, and finish every hunt, no matter how ridiculous.

    It's also worth mentioning that I haven't played this game in over four years or so, so things could go terribly wrong very quickly. I also don't remember much of what items are in what chests, since many of them are random, so I won't be abusing many chest/item"tricks", if any, that some people might know, simply because it's not necessary, and I don't remember where anything is...

    So, who's going to try this?
    Any wagers as to whether it's even possible to finish this?

    So lets begin!

    Chapter One:
    Vaan - Lord of the Rats; The Power of the Sun in the Palm of my Hands; and, The Hunt's Begin.
    (puns intended)

    Not much to do here but watch the pretty cinematic scenes, kill some rats for exp (oh noes, exp! - we will only ever be earning exp twice) and try to get re-acclimated with the game itself.
    The rogue tomato should be easy enough, and running the giza plains loop charging the sunstone is a good time to test out something we will probably be using a lot in the future: STEAL. Yep, we may not be able to kill any enemies but nothing wrong with pilfering goodies and then fleeing for our lives! Money is going to be hard fought in this challenge, so every opportunity to straight daffle some shit yo wez gonna hit up dat booooy. -Every gil goes straight into the potion budget!!

    On the next episode: Palace Plundering, Sewer Swimming, and the Dark Dank Dungeon Cage Fighting Challenge.

    Chapter Two:
    What's a guy gotta do to get a decent meal round here? What's up with that fanny Franny? What exactly is a Flan anyway? Why are the princesses always so difficult?.
    All these questions answered, and more.

    First things first: Go buy all the potions we can afford, sell anything you don't need. Forget phoenix downs, they are overrated, don't buy them. (We will be utilizing some fundamental math skills throughout.) Next stop, the Palace.

    Run through here calling the soldiers "bucket-heads", which for some reason makes them just angry enough to run down a single corridoor before tiring out. Gotta love the Empires training program.... Go through some fake walls, and enter Balthier and Fran.

    Introducing Fran, the character that confused interracial furry fetish lovers around the world. Too bad fellas. She's left the wood for good. (omg I made it rhyme lol)

    By now we should be getting used to the pilfer->hold R2->repeat a few times->run for your lives! mechanic. The great thing about this game so far is that we are making great time running through all the areas at full speed. If it weren't for the other challenge mechanics we have to consider this is resembling a speed run!

    So back to: The Sewers: The goal here is to use 1 or 2 potions tops on the Flans until we get to the boss fight, for the worst-case-scenario, otherwise, the goal is to not use any. Pretty straight forward; run through the area.

    Boss Fight: Fire Mane
    SANITY CHECK - Did you buy the Blizzard spell? I hope so, because you will need it for the next 3 battles. (Note: Don't bother buying any other spells. All you need is Fire, Ice, Cure for a while.)
    This fight is easy. All you have to do is run around and cast Blizzard. If you get a Game Over here, then you probably have bigger problems.

    After the fight you get caught...which brings us to our next easy fight: Galeebo (or whatever) and friends. After the fight you get your stuff back, make your escape, and conveniently find over 1000 gil in the same room as a merchant. Nice! My advice: buy more potions!

    Mimics and the Darkness:
    This area is too much fun, so I'll let you figure it out for yourself. Note* You can kill max 2 mimics before you level up.

    Boss Fight: Queen Mimic
    The charge?
    - 30 potions
    - 2 ethers
    - shit equipment

    The Task?
    - Kill the Queen without killing any of the Baby Mimics. This can get ugly. Fortunately there are some options regarding strategy available, and is not too difficult.

    Next up: Running through mines, running through ships, and running through sand.

    Chapter Three:
    The killing labyrinth, more running, and running at high altitudes.

    Free at last! So what to do next? Seeing how we're broke it's a good time to pass go and collect $200 dollars by finishing up the easy Hunts, and doing some sidequest action in the Estersand... which BTW I have not yet spotted the Ester-bunny. narf.

    Now for the first time in the run we have money that we can spend on something other that potions! yay!! I suggest saving it until later, however.
    Head to the floating city and recruit Larsa, err Lamont. Now that we have a potion dispenser handy let's setup our gambits:
    Foe any: Steal, and enter the mines. This works as follows:

    Lamont should be preoccupied with healing your party while they get smacked trying to steal loot. When someone gets low on HP you should run until you are engaged again. This keeps Lamont from doing anything else.

    Run out of the mines and play the shouting minigame. Afterwards sell EVERYTHING you don't need and upgrade your equipment. I'm not sure what the best ratio is, but I have 18 potions and a few of the best Light Armor available. If you are really low you can sell off any ethers, phoenix downs you have as a last resort, but it shouldn't be needed.
    Last edited by Gleeok; 06-10-2013 at 03:19 PM.
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    Chapter Four:
    When you warp an Imperial Soldier where do they go? ...andl; Are we there yet?!?

    Welcome to the USS Starship: Alarm. Please mute your TV set now, and, better tape down that R2 button also 'cause we are going to running...a lot.

    Boss Battle: Judge x2, Soldiers x4
    Do you have a warp mote? If not then you are in beatdown town, population: you. (should of did those easy Hunts like I suggested). Otherwise this battle is easy.

    Boss Battle:Judge Ghis, Soldiers x3
    Here's another easy fight, even at levels 1,2, and 3. By now you should have exactly one character learn "Reflect" also.

    -Inventory check-
    Potions used until now: 40 - 50 range ( I wasn't keeping a strict count, but probably in the 40 range.)
    (All phoenix downs and ethers until now should be stockpiled)
    The Sandsea:
    The journey of a single step begins with a thousand miles.... there's nothing you can do here really. The chests on the southern path contain better treasures, so go that way after you get the "Treasure of the Uratan-Nensa" (Is that right?). Just run as fast as you can until we get to

    Boss: Big Bird.
    One, two, three... a three gunshots to the head.
    Shoot it with guns, arrows, and spells. As soon at gets low on life have a dedicated healer. ..Hah FFXII! I'm still LV.1, Is that the best you can do? (It's not...)

    Raithwalls Tomb
    Buy 5 or 6 Bacchus wine, sell off EVERYTHING you don't need (even ethers!), save, and prepare to fight

    Boss: Demon Wall
    (Not the first one, the second one)
    Use Bacchus wine on Balthier and the "Asshat with the big sword". Remember when I said to get one reflect spell? ..yeah... you should be able to figure out what to do.
    The Demon Wall will probably get a X-Zone and 2 kills in, but will go down fast.

    Next run through the area and activate the remaining waystones then exit and save after we go on a shopping spree to prepare for the coming storm.
    Dilemma: What to buy?? ..I really don't know. This probably depends on how you are investing LP. I ended up getting the best gun, 2 sets of the best light armor, some phoenix downs, and high potions. Of course I had to sell off Basch's and Penelo's equipped weapons to do it. Well, it takes money to make money right?

    ..Actually, I think that sufficiently merits a repeat. "I sold some of my equipped weapons." (I'm really feeling the squeeze of the money belt now...)

    Next up: Telegram for Mongo, sign here and initial here.

    Episode V:

    Boss Battle: Belius
    Prepare to be covered in oil and raped by candlelight as the north wind blows up your urethra. He'll get off a few Firaja spells which will instantly kill your entire party, and it's hard to predict exactly when it's going to happen so it's gonna take up to 8 phoenix downs to survive here. Better save afterwards.

    Boss Battle: Vossler, Imperial Soldier x3
    When things go wrong, they go horribly wrong. Vossler's multi-hit attacks will pretty much killl a mage/fighter class party member, and after he uses enrage will kill anyone. To make matters worse we are already low on healing resources. The trick is to cast Cure as soon as he targets a character, then follow up with a potion while at least one dedicated attacker. If only Basch had more than 152 HP!! We could get a nice reflect/protect chain to take his HP down since he will always target Basch first... but alas, we cannot. This is where the Class Restriction is really starting to bite us in the ass. I would like to mention that I screwed up this battle at the beginning which really cost me... ugh.

    Well...Victory at last. We have two characters still alive!! Yay!

    Damage Control
    healing items - 0
    gil - about 200
    Our dedicated firefly character might not have enough LP to equip it...

    Things are looking pretty bad. We just got our arm cut off and learned that the Empire is our father. Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!
    The enemies start tough here too.

    Up Next: Lots of Running through Plains, We all wear masks, and Got Wood?

    Chapter Six:
    The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner

    We left off having zero resources, beaten to a pulp, and now it's time to head south through the Giza Rains and the Plains where enemies are much stronger and can kill us in a hit or two. No prob, we'll go by Chocobo! ...what's that you say? ..we can't even afford a Chocobo? ...Better put on our running shoes then. We have a lot of treasures to open along the way.

    And so we ran south, to Jahara, where we sold off some equipment to buy a better gun, and acquired a Hi-Potion dispenser: Larsa 2.0. NOW we can take a Chocobo!

    The aim for the next part is simple: we need money, and lots of it. Steal from the enemies in the Jungle before they kill you and then we need to do a hunt or two now that we have free potions.
    Doint the Wyvern Lord hunt will get us about 8500 gil so that's the best bet. We can get up to 10 phoenix downs, 10 Hi-potions, and some Light Armor with that. Add in what we can pilfer and find and that should add another 6000 or so. Nowhere near what we need for the next boss fight but that's the best we got.

    You should upgrade you life insurance plan before entering here. Maybe add some Dragon policy too.

    Next Up: Do video game characters go to video game heaven when they die? We'll find out in a bit. (game programming joke alert!)
    Last edited by Gleeok; 06-12-2013 at 03:25 AM.
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    Chapter Seven
    The End???

    So, I didn't sleep much over the course of about four days, and what was one of the wacky projects that I started? -That's right, a FFXII - NLCNQNGNGNITNUECRC challenge...

    Boss Battle: Tiamat
    I died. He's too fast, his attacks insta-kill most characters, and I don't have enough gil, abilities, or healing items to survive long enough. Casting magic on him is a useless endeavor, as he resists most spells and others are very unlikely to connect. In fact, healing spells are equally useless.

    Anybody else crazy enough to challenge?

    What to do? We are forbidden from grinding or farming, and there's no more easy hunts to do...
    Does old Gleeok have an ace up his sleeve?
    Will the Back Street boys make a comeback?
    Can you divide PI by 69?
    Will anyone laugh at the last joke?
    Stay tuned.

    On the Next Episode: Skip to the end will ya? How do we kill it.
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    Erh, it's too bad, maybe we've found the limit of the game May be you could move around him to dodge some attacks, with every character ? :/
    Or maybe add an exception in you challenge, a limit of item farmed for exemple ?

    (Btw, completely HS, but Tetris champion uh ? )

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    birb Tim's Avatar
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    I actually just want to play this... But I doubt I would have the patience for this insanity run.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shriukan View Post
    Erh, it's too bad, maybe we've found the limit of the game May be you could move around him to dodge some attacks, with every character ? :/
    Or maybe add an exception in you challenge, a limit of item farmed for exemple ?

    (Btw, completely HS, but Tetris champion uh ? )
    :o Registering an account for the sole purpose of beating my Tetris high-score is a ban-able offense!

    /okay, maybe not...

    Welcome to AGN, enjoy our fine wine-and-cheese deli!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    I actually just want to play this... But I doubt I would have the patience for this insanity run.
    It's interesting, but so far I would have to say it's much faster than a "normal" playthrough. The reason being that you spend little time on the following:
    -Setting up gambits.
    -Buying things/equipping things.
    -Fighting enemies.

    In fact most of the time you are just running through areas, sometimes with foe->any->steal and let the AI party members get a grab at something until they die while you just keep running to the next destination (except in difficult areas or before bosses.)

    Chapter Ate
    The Dance of Eternity

    So remember how I saved a few k of gil? Well it's time to sell of some more of our equipped items and buy something useful besides potions!
    We have learned that Tiamat is resistant to everything except Earth elemental, Berserk, and Slow. (little indicator that says "immune" or "miss". ...You have been paying attention I hope)
    The best we can do is warp back to Jahara, spend 25 LP, and equip a Heavy Lance with our Knight. The down side is he's only got about 150 HP so he better start swingin!
    ...Now we have two characters with no armor and two with no weapons. lol.
    Oh well.

    Boss Battle: Tiamat (Third times a charm!)

    Balthier gambit self->bacchus wine
    Fran ally->Protect; and that's it.
    others: OFF.

    Berserk Basch and pray to get slow inflicted before he dies.
    With Tiamat's ridiculous attack speed evened out we can focus on tactics.
    Whenever Tiamat is slowed swap out Basch for Fran ASAP. Fran is mostly useless but can survive up to two attacks.

    Attack Formation Delta: Red Fox standing by...
    We are aiming for a small thermal exhaust port no more than a few meters wide. May the Norse be with you.
    -Spread out into a wide triange formation, but here's the trick: The middle character should be next to Larsa. This puts all ally's into range of Larsa's Hi/X-Potion dispensing range while out of AOE target range from attacks. Now it gets a little tricky..

    Never use a Hi-Potion. We only have 9 and we need them for the special attacks.
    Whenever Larsa dies, we have to immediately revive him + throw a small potion at him. This takes teamwork. (This is why characters don't have gambits to attack). By the time this goes off he will throw a Hi Potion at the character who just got hit while we were doing this reviving dance.

    The goal is to keep chipping away at his HP with Balthier while trying to get Vaan to absorb some attacks, and keeping a Protect barrier on Balthier and Fran at the least. The triangle formation can be split and merged by the outer characters constantly in order to keep out of AOE range and regain some MP. Whenever he uses a breath attack, or slow wears off, we have to swap back in some reserve members. Above else, remain calm and stick to the plan.

    Wait until he goes into HP Critical state and you almost run out of items. ..Get's a little hairy.

    Victory at last. *Ahhhh*

    Next Up: Don't go that way!!!! -It's a Dangerous Place. Part 2.

    Chapter Nine
    I've run out of puns!
    (pro note: the previous was, in fact, another pun.)

    Welp, we've hit an all time low - Flat broke, crap spells, tech and equipment, very few LP, and enemies start casting long range kill spells. My advice: No more stealing, just run. (Or ride a Chocobo!)
    But... Don't go that way!!!.
    On to : Mt. Burrrr Omniscace.. omnisace.. Mount Om-not-gonna-pronounce it correctly anyway.

    Just for fun you can look at the shop wares and pretend you have enough gil to even buy one thing, or maybe you can sell some handy-J's to some Moogles? Who knows what goes on in underground Ivalice?

    Stillshrine of Miriam:
    Welcome to American Gladiators: Creepy shrine edition. The goal is simple: Run through the obstacle course of dangerous enemies while activating switches and opening new paths. It's a one-way trip so make sure all gambits are off. Activate all the switches then exit and save.

    Now we have an opportunity to acquire out first firefly accessory.
    HEADS UP: Did you devote an entire character (The one with the most LP) to accessories only with LP? If not, you probably just lost this challenge and have to reset! Hahahhahahaaaa....

    Somewhere in here is a chest with a firefly, but only appears about 1/3rd of the time. According to our rules you can never get more than one since that would be farming (We made a slight exception for this at the beginning remember). However if you don't find it then you're pretty much forced to A) Die, B) Run to a save crystal ASAP, which then you have nowhere else to go but repeat. Kind of a catch 22 thing. If you try and C) fight the next boss It's Game Over, so that leaves up with:

    D) We get a firefly! ..Fuck. yeah.

    Next up: Sidequest Chop! Get the key to the kingdom.

    Chapter X
    It's Payback Time Bitchez!
    Go to the Estersand and start the sidequest to cure the dying patient. This sidequest is not hard, it's just normally a little tedious, but we get some nice items and get to kill some Mo'Fo's along the way. After the first round of killing Balthier should have enough points to get the firefly as well, so switch it over to him and start blasting caps at long range. By the time this quest is over we should finally be able to upgrade our LP just enough to get some HP+ boosts. Doesn't solve our money problems but all we need is a few well thought out purchases and we can start getting creative.

    Now it's time to do some more hunts. Though let me tell you they aren't easy. Immobilize, Slow, and Protect should be automatic by now, and poison can do some serious damage in a few tricky spots with stronger enemies. Decoy, Haste, and Warp are good investments, though I'm not sure yet which one to get.. Hmm... Needs more planning.

    Up Next: Still, Shrine of Miriam?
    Last edited by Gleeok; 06-17-2013 at 10:59 PM.
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    Chapter 11-A
    Like Lambs to the Slaughter...

    Strategy - Have all characters buffed with reflect/protect and deal as much damage as possible... .... ..... ...IT'S NOT WORKING!!! THE SPELLS IGNORE REFLECT! IT'S A MASSACRE!
    If this was a short film it would be 30 seconds of 6 people screaming in pain while having their body parts amputated and freezing to death. ...

    New strategy: Warp to town and buy a few hats. (We still only have 3 equipped so our magic resist is shiiiiit.)

    Chapter 11-B
    The Storm of the Century

    Forget reflect, let's go with shell/protect to start with but don't renew it when it wears off.
    Phase 1: Run out of the gate and switch in some mages and spam Immobilize until they die/run out of MP. Switch in Vaan and run away from the immobilized (we only got 4 though)Azers. Switch in the best tank, and Beserked Balthier, and revive/heal.
    Phase 2:
    Attack nonstop with 2 characters, and heal nonstop with Penelo. When Immobilize wears off repeat phase 1.
    ....and then he casts Blizzaja, which kills all active party members. To make it worse, the Azers cast Curaga on Mateus and by the time you can regroup he casts Blizzaja again... Back to the drawing board. :\

    Chapter 11-C
    Duck, duck, duck, duck, goose, duck, death.

    Ugh... New plan: Only have two characters active most of the time, and try and conserve items by mass healing the reserve members when possible, all while playing hot potato with the dawn shard, and using the Azers as obstacles for Mateus to slow him down.
    This is very difficult to do, but you can try to bait the azers into attacking one person then equipping them with the dawn shard to minimize damage, all the while getting as many gun attacks in with Balthier as possible. I actually lasted a while doing this, but again once he gets down to 50% life it's a complete tactical nightmare.

    ...I'm not out of ideas completely, but I need to come up with an alternate strategy that can work. This is an Insanely difficult Boss fight, by far the hardest yet.

    Anyone got any ideas? I could really use some right about now.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post
    If this was a short film it would be 30 seconds of 6 people screaming in pain while having their body parts amputated and freezing to death. ...

    New strategy: Warp to town and buy a few hats. (We still only have 3 equipped so our magic resist is shiiiiit.)
    Couldn't help but snicker when I read this.

    Don't have any suggestions, though. I only watched 12, I've never played it.

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