A shot after my own heart! The screen looks particularly dangerous because it features not only walking wizrobes (instead of the easier teleporting variety), but ones that blend with the texture of the mountain.


Lake Floria
I really like this shot. The gameboy graphics are putting me in a nostalgic mood. The stark blue of the flowers tripped me up a bit, though, since I don't recall seeing that color in either of the Gameboy games (although... I didn't own the GBC version of Link's Awakening. It may be my own failing).

This is a strong shot, but the waterfall and the Shield Icon are bothering me. The latter is probably just a placeholder, but the former... those blue streaks on either sides and the black in the froth are clashing with the more polished mountains and grasses that surround them.

One-eyed Ghini!
I really like the water tiles in this shot.

The subscreen on this shot is really cool. Is Link supposed to be camouflaged for the dungeon?


Another week, another Revenge 2.50 shot.
I see the screen is populated with your namesake. But I do believe that with his single rupee and complete lack of equipment, Link has his work cut out for him.


The Skyfields.
This looks and feels like a classic four-color gameboy screen. I know it's not, because I see brown in there, but it is very close regardless. This shot won my vote.