Any questions about any of the scripting usage ask someone else. jk. good luck. :)
Any questions about any of the scripting usage ask someone else. jk. good luck. :)
With a little bit more scripting the part of the code with the mario level 1-1 stuff could be continued with functions that would auto-generate mario-style levels by making the collision/graphics line up and make the code so that every gap in the bricks is always clearable and aside from that always random, this can be done using parameters for the mins and maxes the next bricks are going to be allowed to be away from the last ones, including the changes in elevation always having a way for 'mario' to be able to clear using whatever maximum jump you decide to set the player at.
I'm probably going to take another prolonged break from ZC again for awhile, if anyone reads this, the above file has all the coding I described in it, and you're welcome to continue evolving whatever code you might find useful to you. I'll get to writing the prior script stuff I described in this message myself if noone gets around to it and I get back to agn sometime.
A spot in the credits is always nice if this is useful to you in a production I'd appreciate that!
There's now a color selection shop for Link's Tunic. There are 9 color options available via a small window after Link chooses to get a new color for 20 rupees a pop.
Future plans include a hair stylist and a shoe store as well, the possibilities are endless for other add-ons for the little hero/heroine, whether or not they will make any difference in the game depends on a few other factors that I have not worked out yet that may or may not be in the works, including altering homing factor of enemies if Link's tunic and other apparel are camouflaged with regards to his surroundings, and whether or not other events in-game might only happen if and when he's wearing certain clothing of certain colors.
Looks pretty sweet! Going to have to get more content done. Still very far off from a real quest though.
I'm going to be keeping the updates and videos to a minimum for awhile until there is at least a playable demo with a few levels to run through.
Thanks for showing me the shirt, that's pretty sweet!
There is a Lance for Skateboard Jousting in the plans. I haven't drawn or scripted for it yet though. A weapon a little longer than the sword that Link can hold out in front of him instead of have to repeatedly press the button, and possibly move around slightly by bracing with the strafe button and then moving it.. Although he won't move it significantly away from facing forward.
Yeah, it's an obscure piece of merchandise, but when you mentioned "Link on a skateboard", it immediately came to mind. XD
I have made a few improvements to the game, and my first overworld map for this quest is at about 50% completion, minus a lot of layering touchups.
Newest features include:
a)enemies damage each other if not the same type of enemy, which could lead to areas where the player could rack higher experience than they could by actually beating the enemies themselves by dodging attacks long enough to rack exp.
b)the enemy's attacks when hitting each other also show hp- floaty little nifty dealios in numerical value.
c)the live-action no-subscreen item menues are perfected, and ready to go.
d)Link now latches onto walls in side screen like before, only when pressing towards the wall, if the player lets go of the direction, he flips off the wall backwards.
e)A dragon enemy boss is in the works, 25% of the graphics are done, 10% of his mobility.
f)3 entrances to dungeons on the first overworld map are dungeons even started yet.
g)the "Arena" battle between enemies is going to be a classic at some point I think. Sortof like horse-racing, the enemies shoot at each other with projectiles at random until there is only one team standing. I'll implement some sort of rupee betting system eventually. Thusfar the teams have been even, but there will probably be 'underdog' matches in the works.
I haven't submitted any screenshots to SotW at all yet, so here is a short video of one of the ones I like.
I didn't want to just submit a picture because that doesn't do it justice. The bridge is swim-underneathable and walk-overable on the same screen due to scripting, and not a seperate duplicate screen.
Also there is a short demonstration of the live action button item menus with the bugs worked out.
Here's a little demo about Ice Reflections. I saw/duplicated a really neat tileset with layering that caused a reflection in the water or ice underneath the pillars some years back, this script would compliment it nicely. The author of it gave a tutorial on how to use it on PureZC, I'm probably going to use something like that for a level in this game + this reflection script.
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