SUCCESSOR- The path is too straight. Also, why are there bushes behind the tree like that/ It looks strange. You could put them behind places unreachable, but you should make it look a little more natural, instead of just placed there. The ground details are spread very oddly too. Everything is on the right, and nothing is on the left. Also, NEVER put bushes on the edge of the screen like that. Players will walk straight into them and that's terrible. Same with the trees, unless there's something else blocking it on the screen to the left. A general rule of screendesigning is to make sure there is two tiles of walking space before anything solid comes into play. This gives the player room to move. Apply this to those trees in the top left, and the house near the bottom.

On the other hand, I love the palette and simplicity of it. I still voted for this, despite how much could be improved. Well done.

NJF- I like this screen's design. The colors are nice too! However (if you can walk on the area at the top of the mountain), it could be awkward. There's not much walking room and the player can get stuck on the diagonal mountain. The mountains are also miscolored. If you look at Lost Isle's mountains, the "new" mountain details are dark brown, not black. Also, Link's shield and the heart piece are colored oddly and look gross. I love the palette and the feel though. Also, well done!