Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post

I thought that's what you were talking about earlier?
"I don't think we can discuss this without further noting that spells/skills/etc. always "belong" to a certain super-set, which determines the command and menu that the are called from.
To use a FFVI example, Pummel belongs to the Blitz category. Quadra Slice belongs to the SwdTech category. Pummel can't appear in SwdTech's list--it just can't happen.
Sure, it's my favorite, but this is not limited to that game. Several games have separate Black and White lists. It's the same idea essentially. "
Or did I misunderstand?

There I was illustrating the skill-belongs-to-skillset idea, yes. And within that, skills would often have a %-learned attribute to them, as you've noted.

But what I'm not quite understanding is how the skill sets, spell books, abilities, etc. get attached to a given character. How can multiple such sets be attached to one character? I know it's getting off into the weeds a bit, but I'm just trying to understand; when I look at a skill set's code, will it be within a character's scope, or will it be within its own scope? Surely the data for how to execute the attack would be within the actual skill's scope, but ownership of that skill would not-- Two character's both know Blizzard, but the data for how to do Blizzard doesn't belong to either of them.

I think I just answered my own question, actually. It would end up looking something like this:


When issuing a command, we need to know what abilities the character has, for menus at the top level but also for building any submenus.

for (int i = 0; i < Max_spells; i++)
if SpellBook[i].isKnown() MasterSpellList[SpellBook[i].GetID()].DisplayName();

Executing a spell is gonna need to know caster and target, for damage calculations, so at that point, both of those things are known:

FigureSpellDamage(Entity caster, Entity target, Spell spell)
return caster.GetPower()* spell.GetEffectivity() - target.GetMagDef()

I guess my only real question here is how to have characters with open-ended lists of ability sets?