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Thread: Some feature requests/suggestions

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    Bored Potato Nicholas Steel's Avatar
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    Some feature requests/suggestions

    1) The ability to view flags on a screen without having to open the dialog box to choose a Flag, and the ability to preview what a Flag does by mousing over it while the Flags are visible and having the information appear in the tooltip.

    2) Walkability: The Large interface simply has no way to quickly reference it, instead you have to Edit a tile to view it's walkability. This isn't an issue for the Small interface however. Yes, you can view walkability for the entire screen but I find myself often wondering on a tile-by-tile basis how a tile works in regards to walkability, especially when using a tileset you've never used before.

    3) Ability to close/cancel dialog boxes using the same key that opened the dialog box. I remember wanting to use that Preview mode but you had to press Esc or Enter to exit out of the mode. Would have been (In my opinion) more intuitive if X both entered and exited the mode.

    4) Can someone explain why when editing a Tile, if you click the Tile graphic it opens a pane with I think 5 vertical columns of tiles, instead of just laying them all out left to right, top to bottom? It makes it seemingly needlessly harder to find a tile when choosing something for like a secret under combo etc.

    I know these probably won't be looked in to any time soon, but I do feel these changes would make the editor a lot easier to use, both for newcomers and old timers.
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  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by franpa View Post
    1) The ability to view flags on a screen without having to open the dialog box to choose a Flag
    You can do that. It's View->Show Flags (or f).

    2) Walkability: The Large interface simply has no way to quickly reference it, instead you have to Edit a tile to view it's walkability. This isn't an issue for the Small interface however. Yes, you can view walkability for the entire screen but I find myself often wondering on a tile-by-tile basis how a tile works in regards to walkability, especially when using a tileset you've never used before.
    Showing the screen's walkability should also show it in the combo list and current combo display. I'm sure we can find room to add a permanent display, though.

    4) Can someone explain why when editing a Tile, if you click the Tile graphic it opens a pane with I think 5 vertical columns of tiles, instead of just laying them all out left to right, top to bottom? It makes it seemingly needlessly harder to find a tile when choosing something for like a secret under combo etc.
    You're selecting a combo rather than a tile in that case, so they appear the same way they do in the combo list. You can press space to change the ordering, if that helps, but there isn't a reasonable way to use the tile order rather than the combo order.

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