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Thread: Plot Discussion: Tell us (and comment) about the games you're planning for ZC

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    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Plot Discussion: Tell us (and comment) about the games you're planning for ZC

    Unlike the other thread, this is more a topic for discussing those grandiose quests we all tell ourselves we want to make, but never get around to starting/finishing. I suppose it could also be an excitement builder for the upcoming release of 2.5 edition. Talk about the ZC games you always dreamed about, or comment about the ones that are mentioned here (using a quote or @user to clearly identify which you are discussing). You can also use this thread to discuss mechanics you wish you could script.

    I'll start:

    Eclipsing Reason, a Hyrule Story
    We come to the small village of Spectacle Rock, on the outskirts of the nation proper and with seemingly little to offer the world in terms of, well, anything. There's a blacksmith here, as well as a half-dozen farming families who tear out a living terracing the jagged rocks, and a general store. Not what you'd call a vacation destination.

    But King Ganondorf of Hyrule has relocated his army here, and even built a fortress on the peaks above the town, for no clear reason. Wild rumors spread that he is searching for an ancient treasure hidden beneath the village, and that the keys to that treasure are hidden in the surrounding wilderness.

    Meanwhile, a one-eyed witch named Zelda has taken up residence in the forest below. While the villagers are not brave enough to venture near her shack, strange smokes rise from the chimney as she brews malevolent things. Her purpose in the region is also unknown, but suspected to be the same as that of the king.

    Between all of this is a meek young man named Link--a resident of Spectacle Rock and a very odd one at that. He makes his living digging up old relics from around the village and selling them to an archaeologist. The latest he's discovered, a rusty old sword that is split down the blade, he's decided to keep for protection. But there's something strangely noble about this broken tool of war. And it has put him on the radar of both the witch and the king.

    So what is the story of the sword? And what, exactly, do the king and the witch seek from this so-removed locale?
    It was my intention that this would be an entirely side-scrolling game in the vein of Metroid, with six dungeon-esque regions in the vicinity of a central local (Spectacle Rock). The player would have to visit each region repeatedly in order to obtain more tools necessary to explore the other regions.
    In addition, I wanted to combine the mechanics of two exceptional side-scrolling games, Abuse and LittleBigPlanet. Abuse had a mouse-look feature that independently controlled the upper half of the protagonist's body, controlling the aim of all his equipment. LittleBigPlanet has its excellent "three lane" pseudo three-dimensional mechanic, where the protagonist needs to navigate forward and backward to evade obstacles and enemies. I was somewhat close to figuring out a script workaround for the latter, but my available time to research it waned and I was unable to produce anything worth repeating.

    What are your plans for ZC?
    Last edited by CJC; 12-19-2012 at 07:55 PM.

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    Octorok Shane's Avatar
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    My plan for Legacy of Light is to create a story that isn't "Villain wants the Triforce, and kidnaps Zelda". I'm actually creating a man who seeks the Triforce's destruction because he believes this why evil and men are greedy and start wars in act of selfishness. So he gets the Hero of Hyrule, Link to imprison him in the Sacred Realm by attacking and cursing Hyrule. Little does Link and that man know that if one destroys the Triforce two things will die: The Goddesses and their creation, the world of Hyrule.

    This is all I'll say for this now moving onto my other project's story:

    There was a invasion in the past, the invasion was sealed by four sages who sacrificed their own lives. Their souls have turned to crystal and were enshrined in their own temples. If Link obtains these souls he can gain their abilities. The Goron Soul, for instance allows him to withstand heat. Zelda will come into play one way or another.

    That's all from me!

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    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Legacy of Light sounds like a really engaging plot. I'm curious how it will play out.
    As for your other project, perhaps you could incorporate it into the first? Maybe the sages used their sacrifice to seal the Triforce away for the same reasons your villain wants it destroyed, and Link must tap into their power to (hopefully) save the day.

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    Octorok Shane's Avatar
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    Oh wow, that's actually a good idea! I might combine them.

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    Lynel Majora's Avatar
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    I'm STILL working on the only quest I've ever had under my belt. originally "epic quest" because I was 15 at the time. Then "heart of the master sword" for a bit. and finally just "Resurgence" (no TLoZ prefix) as I move away from TLoZ copyrighted material/intellectual property and lazily invent my own crap. Anyways! Plot. Also lazily done because first I'm working on the actual GAME part. Despite any pictures used in the summary below, all characters are human (with the exception of pointy elven ears or minor things like that )

    We start in the cliché forest village. Some kids went too far into the woods (where dangerous things lurk) and haven't come back. Our SamusAran-esque protagonist grabs an old sword and shield and goes after them, only to find a group of evil/monster-y soldiers (which the kids were about to get murdered by) and kicking their asses. Our heroine learns of something far more sinister slowly gripping the land by talking to the great fairy in the nearby shrine, and off she goes on her quest to do something about it.

    So in the first dungeon, after completing it and helping the Great Fairie's friend/sister (either works), she is given a worn-down old staff/book/crown/set of light armor (leaning towards staff maybe but all four of these mentioned items are plot-critical ish) and is told to hunt down the rest (and the gems that go with them) so that she may stand a chance at beating the Big Bad. And away she goes.

    During her travels, she comes across a relatively large town. Maybe not big enough to be called a city (because this is ZC after all), but it's still huge compared to the village from which she hails. On top of selling useful things (bought with gold pieces she's picked up from murdering all manner of foe), it is ruled by a pair of sisters. Levana (latin for "The Rising Sun") and Nox ("of the Night") who, unknown to them or the protagonist, are really two goddesses taking on (mostly) mortal forms, who's destinies are to assist the hero vanquish the Big Bad.

    In the town reside six other persons of importance. Mostly as a sidequest-ish sort of thing where they help you unlock an extra portion of previously visited (and a select few others overall) dungeons. Their names, from left to right (duh), are Tacita, Serica, Liboria, Amalia, Volante, and Sidra. Tacita is a potion lady (who sells you potions!), Serica is a seamstress with a slight affinity for magic (who can embroider/etc. your clothes for beneficial effects!), Liboria runs/owns the inn, Amalia runs the farm, Volante is a beggar, and Sidra is an orphan who was adopted by Levana, who has immense magical ability still locked away.

    So anyways, more dungeon-crawling later, the Big Bad knows shit's gonna go down so it tries to intervene from almost the beginning of the game, but about 3/4ths of the way to the end of the game, some MAJOR PLOT RELATED HAPPENINGS occur, and the sisters re-ascend into godhood while you take care of the Big Bad. I swear there's a good reason for this. <_>

    That's all for now I think. It is largely a WIP but I only say that due to the possibility that it could change, but I feel like this is pretty much it. Names are subject to change.

    There will be a fake ending and a true ending. It will play like older video games in that it is fairly difficult and you are given almost no indications of what you should do or where you should go. Well only the first two levels will I explain everything (with videos and such) but after that you are entirely on your own.

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    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Do you know the nature of your looming evil? Is it some form of god, or perhaps a false god that seeks to maintain its position by subverting Levana and Nox?
    Any which way, you clearly have all the major plot points in position. It looks good.

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    Lynel Majora's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CJC View Post
    Do you know the nature of your looming evil? Is it some form of god, or perhaps a false god that seeks to maintain its position by subverting Levana and Nox?
    Any which way, you clearly have all the major plot points in position. It looks good.
    So there's a goddess, a true one who is omnipotent and all that. She is called Janus ("the beginning"), and she creates lesser god-like beings to go around creating worlds. She creates three: Valda (Power), Ismene (Knowledge), and Evaine (Life), but for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction! As far as just poofing things out of thin air, so to speak. Thus, three evil beings are also unintentionally created. In "ancient times" on the world this game takes place on, the good beings and the evil ones duke it out. two of the baddies are chased off but one is severely weakened/wounded and hides, slowly regaining her power and (somehow) slowly amassing an army of sorts. I should mention that the six beings wouldn't be "gods" in the sense of being TRULY omnipotent or anything, but having the capability to create or destroy worlds certainly merits "god" title. They don't just poof them out of thin air like Janus can do, they simply speed the processes along (planetary formation and all that jazz, without getting to technical/pedantic/nerdy) and in the case of life, provide the spark needed or etc. ANYWAYS, YEAH. Majora (one of the bad ones!) slowly regains its power. The two good goddesses were also wounded (maybe. but for now this will be the cases) and instead opted to be reincarnated later. Like Zelda in Skyward Sword, they initially have no memory, but regain it later on. They also have immense power but it is also locked away (until later).

    I will organize this better later on but I hope my description wasn't too convoluted.

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    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    Sounds pretty cool, Majora. I was already anticipating your quest because of the game-play, but now I'm intrigued on a literary level as well.

    ...I suppose I should say more about my plot, too... since it probably will never coalesce into an actual quest. Either that, or maybe I can get people intrigued enough to make it the AGN quest project. MWAHAHAHAHA!

    More Plot
    When the sun is eclipsed by the moon and only its corona can shine down on the land, the world takes on a new visage. Its residents are transformed into shapes that reflect their innermost intentions, and buildings and wilderness alike are warped into dangerous pits of despair. This nightmare phenomenon is called the Twilight Glow of the Golden Land, as it was once believed to be a blessing in ages past.

    Most eclipses last only a few minutes and then depart, making the glimpse of the Golden Land a brief mass hysteria. But there is a mirror--the Mirror of Twilight--that reflects only the eclipsed corona of the sun, and thus creates shards of the Golden Land whenever the light strikes it. For fear of its power it was smashed by a magic sword (which itself was not unharmed in the process), and its pieces enshrined in hidden temples so that they could be forgotten.

    But the Golden Land hides something else in its folds of nightmares. An ancient artifact with the power to reshape the very fabric of the land. The power of the gods. The shroud of eclipses protects this artifact from discovery, but if the Mirror of Twilight were to be raised toward the sun...
    More Mechanics
    I had the idea that each of the three major ruined temples would contain a light refraction puzzle, but not an ordinary one like we saw in the various other Zelda games. The puzzle would span the entirety of the dungeon and anything in the light's path would be altered by the glow of the Golden Land. Enemies. Link. Architecture. While in the shadow of the glow Link would be unable to use any of his tools other than the Master Sword (Which, when used to smash the mirror became split into Real and Golden Land halves). He would also be much heavier (for reasons that I won't get into... yet), severely impacting his jump height. There are also actions that he can ONLY take while in the golden glow, meaning the player must arrange the mirrors to make the most out of both Link's tools and his otherworldly abilities.

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    100 Years, ago, in The Land of The Gods lived a boy named Zamrock, and a Goddess named Flora.
    As a child, Zamrock longed for knowledge, asking questions about everything, and some day wanting to know all there is to know about the land. Now, while what he wanted was not particularly evil, it was what he was willing to do, to get all knowledge, that made him "Evil".

    In the land of Floria, layed a tower, called the Tower of Secrets, which held all knowledge, but nobody knew how to enter it. Zamrock, hearing about this tower asked Flora about it, and she did indeed know what it was, and what was needed to enter, but knowing of Zamrock's intentions told him that he was not yet old enough to harness the secrets that lay within the tower.

    Furious, Zamrock made his way out of the Land of The Gods, and all presumed he was dead, but this wasn't the case. In reality, Zamrock was only trying to find ways to recieve the knowledge stored within the Tower of Secrets, and one day he decided what he would do; He decided to wage war on the Land of The Gods.

    Part Two: War of the Land of The Gods.

    When word got out that Zamrock was indeed alive, and people learned of what he was planning, they put all the securities they could around the land, but all of this was futile, for when Zamrock arrived, he easily took out every single guard that stood in his way. Demanding to know of the secrets, Zamrock had The Goddess, Flora outnumbered, however she would not speak so much as a word of the secrets to him.

    Knowing that the conversation was going nowhere, Zamrock sealed Flora into the Land of Secrets, through his black magic, with which the only way to return was through a portal, or through the Tower of Secrets.

    Upon sealing Flora, Zamrock learned that in order for him to enter The Tower of Secrets, that he would need to be pure of heart, and have all of the Essences of Life in order to make his way in...and that's where our game begins.

    Part Three: The Hero arrives in Floria.

    Receiving word over seas of odd happenings in Floria, from The King of Floria, our hero, Link travels to the land to find out what has happened. The King of Floria informs Link, that these odd occurrences were coming from the Tower of Secrets, and that he would need to enter it in order to stop Floria from being engulfed in monsters. The King tells Link, that in order to enter The Tower of Secrets, that he would need the Essences of Life, so Link goes around Floria gathering them, in order to gain entrance to the tower.

    Part Four: Opening of the Tower of Secrets.

    After acquiring all of The Essences of Life, Link travels to the Tower of Secrets, to find out what has been causing all of the strange happenings in Floria. After opening it, however, that is when Zamrock appears.
    Informing Link, that he was controlling the King all along, and that he was tricked, Link prepares for battle, but is easily beaten by Zamrock. After the battle, Link awakens in the Land of Secrets...

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    Cor Blimey! CJC's Avatar
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    It sounds like you're planning a two-part quest here. Will you break it into two quest files, like people used to do with 1.92? Is there going to be a 'password maze' to play the second part?

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