For starters, the screen feels really topheavy. Almost the entire top half of the screen is unwalkable. Screens like this can work when used in moderation, but I felt I should point that out. As long as you aren't doing this everywhere it should be fine. Also looking at the player's pathing options, this screen really encourages edge hugging. Might wanna keep that in mind too. I made a "tutorial" about screen flow and stuff. Mainly just my design philosophy. Feel free to accept or deny the stuff I say there. Not claiming any of this as solid fact.

Now let's examine those mountains. First of all, there's a tile error in the bottom left corner with the mountain backs. It should be only half a tile of mountain, not a full tile. Looking at the tops of the mountains, I see a big strip of empty tiles on the top left side of the screen and a big strip of detail on the bottom left. It just doesn't look natural to me. Real life mountains don't have screen borders and as such real life rocks aren't aware of screen borders. Realism? Not so much. Another conditional thing I'd like to add is that if either of those ledges are accessible you need to clear up some space and give them some sort of purpose. Otherwise I'll assume they aren't.

Looking at the ground there's the dirt to sand transition which I believed I've already covered. There's also the transition between the grass and the mountain on the bottom left section of the screen. The grass overlapping the mountain just looks really strange and messes with the perspective. IDK if that's a DoR default thing but I'd recommend changing it. The grass in relation to the castle is also very strange. It overlaps the castle on the horizontal sections, but not the diagonals or the base of the rightmost tower.

Finally, moving on to the castle tiles themselves there's a nasty perspective clash between the towers and the walls. The towers appear to have a more top-based perspective than the walls and don't even get me started on how it doesn't fit next to those DoR mountains. I think it would fit much better with gameboy perspective mountains. Maybe that last part's just me.

I remind you that you asked me to do this.

Quote Originally Posted by Shane View Post
To be honest, if it's unwise to use custom tiles, then how would have these wonderful tilesets such as Dance of Remembrance be made in the first place? =P

Also speaking of custom tiles:

No ground detail or finished subscreen but it's a start!
Looking good, but I think you should improve the mountain to water transitions to be less square and the greens in the palette should be less vibrant IMO. Screen itself looks solid. Not sure you want criticism on that. Are those shells walkable? If not, you might wanna remove the one under the mountain overhang.