Quote Originally Posted by Gleeok View Post
What I don't like about that is that it makes each element over 100 lines long. Multiply that by 128 and we've already got about 13,000 lines instead of a few hundred... This way should allow 3rd party interaction with the files much easier, plus it's a breeze to parse right now now.
I think that we would want to direct people to using the editor provided with the package. In addition providing a richer schema would enable those who wish to tinker with the content to better understand the format; XML is verbose. If size is the concern, then the content can always be reduced using a form of compression.

Quote Originally Posted by Glenn the Great View Post
I think what the classic Final Fantasy games have is one big list of "battle effects".
That is exactly how I envisioned it; they are just repetitive effects that have slightly different calculations, visual displays and sound effects.