@Lynker wins my vote, mainly because of the high-quality scenery and water effects. The shot also features an excellent sub-screen and captures the enemies barreling down on Link. It's full of action.

I've got some comments on the other images, as well. Take them or leave them as you please.

This is a good showing of a classic screen, particularly because of your use of edging combos to break the transition from sand to grass. Your sub-screen is a little plain, though, you may wish to consider replacing the map with an image of your over-world or removing it entirely and spreading out your other markers a little more.

You've got a good custom GameBoy set there, and the sub-screen has an Alundra vibe (Alundra is one of my favorite games of all time, so that wins you bonus points). Still... a dungeon entrance isn't the best place to start with a screenshot. There's very little happening in the room, both due to its lack of enemies and also due to its lack of puzzle components. Of course it shouldn't have either of those things, being a dungeon entrance, but... as a contest submission you want the shot to have some mystery.

The mountains are excellent. But... the screen is in the middle of nowhere. I know connecting screens are necessary in quests, and not every one can have something going for it, but this screen just doesn't feel like the right choice for contest material. It needs more.... Enemies, trees... I dunno.

The transition is too abrupt. Sorry. Also, the vibrant color of the woman and the flowers clashes with the subtle tones of the background. If you're using it to make those things stand out, then the step-stones need to be less vibrant.

I just couldn't get enthused about this shot. Maybe it's the sub-screen. Either that, or the screen needs some blue. It's very... green.

You were neck-in-neck with Lynker, especially for your excellent use of lighting. But the shot feels... empty. I know for a fact the quest this shot comes from is full of action. If you put forth a dungeon shot, or possibly a dungeon exterior, you'd win my vote for sure next round.