Welcome to the topic that will host all the info of Screenshot of the week. The weekly ZC Screenshot contest, where people can enter and show off what they can do.
~Information about entering~
If you want to enter Just send me a PM entitled "Screenshot of the week ###" (replace hash tag with what ever number of contest we are on).
And the contents of PM most have your entry's Image and Direct Link to the image. And optional Comment below the image.
~Important rules~
1. No NSFW!
If Your screenshot has anything NSFW depicted in it'll be turned down. So anything goes just no NSFW Content.
2. Entry must be your own work.
Obvious, don't steal others work and say it's your own.
3. Only one entry per user per week.
I may contact you about it if you submit additional entries or they may be completely disregarded. And you can not enter the same entry more then once.
If I receive the same entry from any of the past contest I will disregard them.
4. Entries should not be unreasonably size
Size should be near the default(something like 256x224) and should be taken in ZQ or ZC. Menus, combo pane, etc in ZQ.
Shots should be cropped out and images capture by other mean must have all non-ZC stuff cropped as well.
5. Entry's cannot break forum rules.
No Advertising, flaming etc.
~Times of contest~
The contest will be try to be posted each Sunday. Only if we have 3 shots or more, Without 3 shots the contest will most likely be postponed until we have enough entry's.
After we receive enough entry's the poll's will be up by no later then 8:00 PM Central Standard Time (CST).
~Added Info~
Alright and While the current contest is running people may send in their entry's for the next weeks entry and so on.
It's pretty simple really.
Alright guys I'm looking forward to your entry's And remember if I get more then 3 images I'll put the poll up on Sunday. Well good luck to all that enter!