Quote Originally Posted by Shadowblazer View Post
Oh man, now that he has a whole Triforce he's probably headed up to Spectacle Rock. We'll be waiting for him forever! I mean all those Patras and whatnot... can never remember which passage leads to the silver arrow and which one leads to Ganon, and doing those in the wrong order is just a pain in the ass... and then do you waste your time with the red ring? Or do you just go on and finish the damn thing... thanks Xyvol you're the hero of... the eastmost peninsula... Digdogger hates certain kind of bigjoe... there's a ShadowTiger in the tip of the nose... grumble... yawn... north... west... south... zzzz...
I always did have a tough time finding my way through without a map. Those stairways just aren't where you think they'd be, and the ones that are go the wrong way.