I just got this working, so if anyone has a better method, let me know.

-Download the IRC999 app for free.

-Add a new server.
-Title: Bladerock
-Hostname: irc.bladerock.net
-Port: 6667
-Password: *Account Password Here*
-Nickname: *Your nick for chatting*
-Username: *Your IRC username*
-Realname: I don't think you need anything here. I entered my real name, but it shouldn't matter.
-Char Set: UTF-8. Just use the default.

-Add a new channel
-Channel: #AGN
-Password: Don't enter anything here.
-Auto Join: Enter this if you want to automatically join the channel.

Click back to the Channel List and click Done. Click on #AGN and chat!

I had to register to get this to work. I would only receive errors when trying to connect otherwise.