<SUCCZZA> " according to Multiverse theory there must exist some universe where a creator being exists."
<Majora_> but yeah. god, no god, it's irrelevant.
<SUCCZZA> I'd like to see the reasoning
<CJC> Well, adjacent universes do not have to follow the same laws of physics that our universe does.
<CJC> So, the further from our universe you travel, the more UNLIKE our universe existence becomes.
<Majora_> yeah for all we know there is a universe somwhere that has a god who isn't a douche AND created something like pokemon
<CJC> If you travel far enough, eventually you will come across an existence that REQUIRES some sort of creator to exist in the scope of physics.
<Majora_> stephen hawking is all over dat multiverse theory
<CJC> I don't believe in Stephen Hawking.
<CJC> I think he's a robot used by the academic community to pitch unpopular ideas.
<Majora_> some examples being that we were simply lucky. I mean, if a person wins the lottery do you automatically assume it was some sentient deity who granted them the win? no, it was just luck.
<Majora_> Well, as they say
<Majora_> Extraordinary Claims require Extraordinary Evidence. Otherwise, Occam's Razor: stick with the hypothesis that makes the fewest assumptions.
<SUCCZZA> CJC, by that "logic" you could justify the possibility of anything. Shit might possibly be food in some other univers so don't look down on eating it in ours.
<CJC> I didn't say "Don't look down", I said don't jump to conclusions.
<CJC> There is no proof to confirm or deny a creator in our existence. Such proof would be impossible to contain. So I don't make a decision.
<CJC> But poop is obviously poop.