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Thread: The ZQuest FAQ and Resource Compendium (READ BEFORE POSTING)

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    Octorok Rambly's Avatar
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    The ZQuest FAQ and Resource Compendium (READ BEFORE POSTING)

    Thanks especially to ShadowTiger, whose FAQ I based a large chunk of this thread off of. If you have anything you think should be added to this thread, by all means, post it right here!

    Before posting a thread in this forum:
    If you're going to ask a question, help us help you and state the version of Zelda Classic you're using. Examples:

    • 2.50 RC4
    • 2.10
    • 1.92 B184

    Include any other information that you think is relevant. DMap type, level number, the exact situation that's occurring, what you want to happen, etc. Include screenshots of the problem if you can -- you can upload them to places like Imgur or Photobucket.

    I'm new to ZQuest and would like a few tutorials to read over. Where should I start?
    Here are a few.

    I'm looking for cool tilesets, tiles, and music to use in my quest! Where do I go?
    Here. You might also want to check our Developers Exchange forum.

    I'm using 2.10 and I can't get my string to show up in a dungeon! Help!
    Make sure your Level number for that dungeon's DMap is set to a number greater than 0. Use numbers 10 or greater for any dungeon that isn't a main Triforce dungeon.

    I'm using 2.5 and my guys are showing up on the overworld, but they should show up in caves!
    Go edit the DMap that contains the overworld your guys are on. Go to the "Flags" tab. Check the "Use Caves Instead of Item Cellars" and "Special Rooms and Guys Are In Caves Only" DMap flags.

    HELP!!! I still don't know how to load a custom quest???
    Read this thread.

    A note on passwords:
    If you are making a custom quest, particularly in versions before 2.50 (but also in the latest versions), do not use a password for the quest that you use for other things! It is very easy for third parties to obtain quest passwords from 2.10 and before. Although no exploits to retrieve passwords from 2.50 are currently known, it's still better to be on the safe side and use a unique password.
    Last edited by Rambly; 08-25-2012 at 11:53 PM. Reason: added ZC wiki link and a few other links

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