Settings I tried: (Taken straight from the ag.cfg file)
vsync = 1
throttlefps = 0
Does not limit frame rate to my monitors refresh rate. (5,000+ fps)
vsync = 1
throttlefps = 1
Limits frame rate to 60 but seems more like a function of the frame rate limiter and not caused by Vsync. (60 fps)
vsync = 1
throttlefps = 0
doublebuffer = 1
Does not limit frame rate to my monitors refresh rate. (5,000+ fps)
vsync = 1
throttlefps = 1
doublebuffer = 1
Limits frame rate to around 550 fps and seems broken because it should cap at 60. (550~fps)
vsync = 1
throttlefps = 0
triplebuffer = 1
Does not limit frame rate to my monitors refresh rate. (5,000+ fps)
vsync = 1
throttlefps = 1
triplebuffer = 1
Limits frame rate to 60 but seems more like a function of the frame rate limiter and not caused by Vsync. (60 fps)
Vsync is enabled in Nvidia Control Panel as is Triple buffering. I haven't set it to Always Off or anything like that. Vsync works fine in other programs/applications.