Name: Roger
Age: 57 (really)
Location: Central Mid West
Pets: My doberman died about 3 years ago
Five kids and the best wife ever.
Fav movie: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Fav band: The Beatles (used to be the Who until they totally bombed at the Super Bowl)
Fav Sport: Football (Tackle on offense and defense; high school only, still dream about it like Al Bundy)
Fav food: Pizza or spaghetti

I have been laid off for almost a year. Was a computer programmer analyst but they sold my job to India. Now a grad student trying to get my teaching certificate in Math and Physics. So be nice or I might wind up teaching you sometime.

Favorite game: Original Zelda, we bought the NES the Christmas after it came out and got Zelda then. My two youngest boys and I drove everyone crazy with it.