. I just stuck my hand into a tank full of leeches (yes, they were real, live, swimming, biting, et cetera), yays!! I was doing that to impress the girls in my Biology Laboratory class, and because I have sincerely wanted to get bitten by a leech for a long time for some masochistic reason...

. Anyone else have a cool story to share?? Please no "I did ___ with my girlfriend" stories, as those should go in the "Ask Someone Who Gets Laid" category, and I do not wish to hear about what you did (supposedly) with her.

. Please post a story, even if you don't think it's as cool as my leech story (if you even think my leech story is cool), and PLEASE BE KIND TO THE OTHER POSTS. Don't hate just because someone did something cool, that IS what this thread is for, by the way. Thanks, guys and girls, and I look forward to reading your replies!!